template=$template; } function BuildLine() { foreach ($this->parameters as $key=>$value) { $template_name = ''; $this->html = str_replace($template_name, $value, $this->html); } echo $this->html; } } $featurecity = $rrandomtown[0]; $url_string = "$featurecity"; $content .= <<

Bing Rapid Ad

This page contains several random sample content to import to WordStream to test various Bing AdWords functionality. This page allows QA users to test various functionality to validate that everything is working. This page is no way endorsed or sponsored by Bing AdWords or by WordStream. This random run feature the city of $url_string.

Warning adding these keywords and Ads could results in excess spending or potential suspension due to policy violations.

end_here; // Campaigns $content = $content . "

Bing Campaigns

24 campaign names for your AdCenter testing.
"; $btype = array("monthly","daily"); for ($e=0;$e<3;$e++){ for ($k=0;$k<6;$k++){ shuffle($btype); $b++; $price = mt_rand(1, 50); $budgettype = $btype[0]; if ($price % 2) {$status = "Active";} else {$status="Active";} $content .= $states[$b] . " " . random_word() . "," . $status . "," . $budgettype . "," . $price . "
"; } $content .= "
"; } $content .= "
"; $content = $content . "

Bing Ad Groups

20 ad group names for your AdCenter testing.
"; $content = $content .""; $content = $content ."
"; for ($e=0;$e<2;$e++){ for ($k=0;$k<10;$k++){ $price = mt_rand(1, 49); $maxprice = $price + mt_rand(1, 49); $maxcpm = $maxprice; $rdate = time() + mt_rand(51250, 13456150); $adname = ucfirst(random_word()); $startdate = date("Y-m-d",time()); $enddate = date("Y-m-d",$rdate); if ($price % 3) {$status = "Active"; $adname = $adname . " " . random_word();} elseif ($price % 2) {$status = "Active";} else {$status="Paused";} $price=$price*.10; $content = $content . $adname . ",". $price . "," . $startdate . "," . $enddate . ",Active". "
"; #$content = $content . $adname . "," . $status . "
"; } $content = $content ."
"; } $content = $content ."
"; $content .= "

"; $content = $content . "

Bing Ads Keywords

Forty random keywords for your Bing testing. Also check out the Apple Keywords page for multiple match types for similar keywords.
"; $content.= "
"; $selectword = mt_rand(1, 40); $negativebonus = array(); for ($w=1;$w<=40;$w++){ $r++; $MaxCPC = mt_rand(1, 60) / 100; $showdess = mt_rand(1,4); $showword = mt_rand(1,5); shuffle($matchtyper); shuffle($keyword2); if ( $w == $selectword ) { $regkeyword = chop($keyword2[1]) . " " . chop($keyword2[2]) . "," . $matchtyper[1]; } switch ($showword) { case 2: $keyword = chop($keyword2[2]) . " " . chop($keyword2[3]) . " "; break; case 3: $keyword = chop($keyword2[2]) . " " . chop($keyword2[3]) . " " . chop($keyword2[4]) . " "; break; case 4: $keyword = chop($keyword2[2]) . " " . chop($keyword2[3]) . " " . chop($keyword2[4]) . " " . chop($keyword2[5]) . " "; break; default: $keyword = chop($keyword2[1]) . " " . chop($keyword2[3]) . " "; break; } switch ($showdess) { case 1: $nn = $keyword . "," . $matchtyper[1]; $keyword .= "," . $matchtyper[1] . "," . $MaxCPC . "," . "Active" . "," . "http://www." . urlencode(strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $rrandomtown3[0]))) . ".com"; break; case 2: $nn = $keyword; // $keyword .= chop($keyword2[2]); // echo $keyword2[array_rand($keyword2)]; . implode(' ', $keyrange); break; default: $nn = $keyword . "," . $matchtyper[1]; $keyword .= "," . $matchtyper[1] . "," . $MaxCPC . "," . "Active" ; break; } array_push($negativebonus, chop($nn)); shuffle($matchtyper); $content= $content . chop($keyword) . "
"; if ($w == 20) {$content.= "
";} } $content = $content . "
"; $content = $content . "

Bing Ads Negative Keywords

Eighty random negative keywords for your AdWords testing. The word in red is an exact duplicate from a word in the above PPC Keyword list.
"; $content.= "
"; $b=1; for ($w=1;$w<=70;$w++){ $r++; $MaxCPC = mt_rand(1, 200) / 100; shuffle($matchtyper); shuffle($keyword2); shuffle($negativebonus); if ( $w == $selectword) { $content.= "" . $regkeyword . "
"; } else { $wordgenerator = chop($keyword2[3]) . " " . chop($keyword2[4]); $content.= trim($wordgenerator) . "," . $matchtyper[1]. "
"; } $googlecontent .= trim($wordgenerator). "
"; if ($b == 20) {$content.= "
";$googlecontent.= "";$b=1;} else {$b++;} } for ($w=1;$w<=10;$w++){ $content.= "" . $negativebonus[$w] . "
"; } $content = $content . "
"; // 10 Rapid Ads using location $content .= "

Bing Ads Sample for AdWords

"; $spottype = array("lunch","dinner","snack","coffee","tea","shopping","breakfast","brunch","camera","video","prayer","casino","walking","drinking","parking","running","walking","thinking","vacation"); shuffle($spottype); $acttype = array("Looking for","Searching for","Need a","Know of","Hungry for"); $content .= "

"; for ($k=0;$k<=10;$k++){ $location = $rrandomtown2[0]; $webaddress = urlencode(strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $rrandomtown3[0]))); $content = $content . "Popular " . ucfirst($spottype[$k]) . " Spot, " . $acttype[0] . " a great " . $spottype[$k] . " spot, in " . $location . ", www." . $webaddress . ".com/" . strtolower($spottype[$k]) .", http://www." . $webaddress . ".com,Active
\n"; shuffle($acttype); } $content .= "

"; $content = $content . "

PPC Placements

Twenty random Placements for your AdCenter testing.
"; $content.= "
"; $b=1; for ($w=1;$w<=20;$w++){ $r++; $MaxCPC = mt_rand(1, 200) / 100; $price = mt_rand(1, 299) / 100; // $price = $k / 100; $rdate = time() + mt_rand(51250, 13456150); $randomdate = date("Y-m-d",$rdate); if ($price % 5) {$status = "Active";} else {$status="Paused";} if ($price % 2) {$extra = "/".random_word();} else {$extra="";} shuffle($matchtyper); shuffle($keyword2); $funword = random_word(); $content = $content . "http://www.".$funword . ".com" . $extra . "," . $price . "," . $status. ",http://www." . urlencode(strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $rrandomtown3[0]))) . ".com/" . $funword . "
"; if ($b == 20) {$content.= "
";$b=1;} else {$b++;} } $content = $content . "
"; // -- Now with Bootstrap 3.0! require_once("/home/cryan/public_html/include/webclass.php"); require_once("/home/cryan/public_html/random/layout/randomportal.php"); $page = new WebTemplate("PPC Fast Add Testing","website-2018.inc"); $page->SetParameter("MetaDescription", "QA keywords for testing Google Adwords API."); $page->SetParameter("MetaKeyword", "Google AdWords API sample content"); $page->SetParameter("headertitle", "PPC Fast Add Testing"); $page->SetParameter("content", $content); $page->SetParameter("leftnav", $newmenu); $page->SetParameter("blog", $showblog); $page->CreatePage(); function random_word() { global $words_file, $words_length; $rand_offset = rand(0,$words_length - $words_length % 1024); fseek($words_file, $rand_offset - $rand_offset % 1024, SEEK_SET); $words = explode("\n", fread($words_file, 1024)); $rand_word = utf8_decode($words[rand(1, count($words) - 1)]); $description = htmlentities(str_replace("'s", "", trim($rand_word))); return trim($description); } function array_chunk_vertical($input, $size, $preserve_keys = false, $size_is_horizontal = true) { $chunks = array(); if ($size_is_horizontal) { $chunk_count = ceil(count($input) / $size); } else { $chunk_count = $size; } for ($chunk_index = 0; $chunk_index < $chunk_count; $chunk_index++) { $chunks[] = array(); } $chunk_index = 0; foreach ($input as $key => $value) { if ($preserve_keys) { $chunks[$chunk_index][$key] = $value; } else { $chunks[$chunk_index][] = $value; } if (++$chunk_index == $chunk_count) { $chunk_index = 0; } } return $chunks; } ?>