Interviewer Questions - Company

Questions that the company may ask in an Interview:

  • What is the most significant contribution you made to the company during a past job or internship?
  • Are you the type of student for whom conducting independent research has been a positive experience?
  • To what extent would you be willing to travel for the job?
  • What specific goals have you established for your career?
  • What quality or attribute do you feel will most contribute to your career success?
  • Tell of a time when your active listening skills really paid off for you -- maybe a time when other people missed the key idea being expressed.
  • Would it be a problem for you to relocate?
  • Given the investment our company will make in hiring and training you, can you give us a reason to hire you?
  • What have you learned from your experiences outside the classroom or workplace?
  • Give me a specific occasion in which you conformed to a policy with which you did not agree.
  • Describe a time when you got co-workers or classmates who dislike each other to work together. How did you accomplish this? What was the outcome?

Interviewee Questions - Canidate

Questions that you should considering asking your future employer:

  • If I am extended a job offer, how soon would you like me to start?
  • What are the career paths in this department?
  • How would you describe your management style and interaction with your staff?
  • How and when will my performance be evaluated on this job? How is success measured in this department / organization?
  • What exactly would my day-to-day responsibilities be?
  • What do you see ahead for your company in the next five years?
  • What makes this company different from its competitors?
  • How do you envision this position supporting you?
  • What kinds of formal strategic planning systems, if any, are in place?
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