Apple Dock
You can learn a lot about a Macintosh user by checkout what applications they have in the Dock. So here are the applications that I use all the time, my work MacBook Pro looks just about the same.
A little more details about the icons in the doc. Simply click on the row to visit the website of that particular application.
Dock Technical Tips
The dock works much better when you have spacers. That is blank space in the dock, so that you can group similar icons together and the dock doesn't look bloated. Here's and example of a spacer in my dock:
To get spacer in your Doc, simply open up Terminal or iTerm and type the following in:
defaults write persistent-apps -array-add '{"tile-type"="spacer-tile";}'; killall Dock
In your Dock you will see an empty space, simply move that to where ever you want. Run the above command to add more dock spacer.
So what's in your Dock?