QA Graphic

Zoom Background

Some cool backgrounds to use in Zoom

Zoom is all the rage right now. Just about anyone that is working from home - on a temporary bases - is communicating with Zoom or with Ring Central Meeting.

One of the cool features of Zoom is the ability to add a custom background. The background are useful when you have a boring office space, or if your background is not all that exciting.

With virtual background images, you can brighten up the conversation.

Zoom Background Collections

Here are some of the popular Zoom backgrounds that I have been using. To use these, you'll have to save them to your desktop and then let Zoom know about that image.

In the left menu bar, click on the Virtual Background tab (if you don't see this tab, log in to the Zoom website, go to Settings and toggle on Virtual Background). In the Virtual Background tab, select one of Zoom's defaults or upload your own image

The Office Zoom
The Most Popular Zoom Background - The Office.

The White House
White House Briefing Room

The Simpsons Zoom
The Simpsons Couch

Boston Office Zoom
Empty Boston Office - Dark Background



Creative Wallpaper that I created.


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