Pool Closing Tips

In New England, as Labor Day weekend approaches, it's time to start thinking of when to close the pool. The nights are getting a bit cooler and that means the pool will not be as warm as it was just a few weeks ago.
Cheaper Above Ground Covers
There are many places to get your pool cover. We have found the Ocean State Job Lot is the cheapest place to get a cover. They have a limited number of Above Ground covers at a good price. The quality is about the same as the economy ones that you get at a pool place, just a bit cheaper. They have the 24' Round for $69.99 whereas Leslie Pools has the same one for $88.99.
Above Ground Winter Pool covers just don't last long.
In the past we have purchased many Above Ground covers that are supposed to last 10 years, but only last a couple of seasons. All it takes is a small branch-end to tear the pool cover and Bam! There goes that cover. We have found that most pool covers last only a couple of seasons.
Clamp It!
The Irwin Quick-Grip 1" Metal Spring Clamp with Soft Grip Pads work really well along the cover clips for above ground pools. (Amazon has a 5-Pack for $33, but you may find them cheaper at HomeDepot or Lowes) The Quick-Grip has a much firmer grip and will hold the cover better than standard cover clips.
Getting that Cover on the Pool
Getting the cover on the pool can be very tricky. We have found the following works well, it does take two people to successfully put the cover on the pool:
- Open the cover and lay it on the ground.
- Fold the first 1/3 part of the cover
- Take the folding side and move the cover over the pool edge with each person walking along the side of the pool. Make sure that water isn't getting in the cover
- At the halfway point, slowly lift the cover over the Pool Pillow. Usually, this involves both parties to pull on opposite ends of the cover so that it's tight. That should be enough to get it over the pillow.
- Then continue to move the cover over about 1/2 way from the pillow to the pool edge.
- Now start clamping the other end of the cover. (This way the end of the cover doesn't fall into the pool as you move along.)
- Now move the front of the cover, and then walk along the edge to unfold the cover.
- Clamp the remaining part of the cover. Make sure that the cover is very tight.
Next Week we'll talk about tips/tricks to best properly store all the Above Ground pool equipment.