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Random Keyword

Create a Random Keyword using Keyword Maestro

Having a random word comes in handy when you need a word but want to be creative and something more than just 'abc' or 'xyz'.

Random Keyword in Keyboard Maestro

Here's the random keyword macro that I have setup in Keyboard Maestro.

Click on image for the full view of the macro.

$words_file = fopen("/usr/share/dict/words","r");
$words_length = filesize("/usr/share/dict/words");
function random_word() {
  global $words_file, $words_length;
  $rand_offset = rand(0,$words_length - $words_length % 1024);
  fseek($words_file, $rand_offset - $rand_offset % 1024, SEEK_SET);
  $words = explode("n", fread($words_file, 1024));
  $rand_word = utf8_decode($words[rand(1, count($words) - 1)]);
  $description = str_replace("'s", "", trim($rand_word));
  return trim(ucfirst($description));
echo random_word();

There are many ways to generate a random keyword from the Apple System dictionary file. Using the above PHP method has worked for me. In the above example, I remove any 's in any keywords because they were breaking some testing that I was doing. In addition, the keyword isn't returning any breaking space and the first letter will always be upper case.

A couple of Problems with a Random Keyword

The only problem with this is that the keyword is always random. I have no idea the word is that I used. Well, what if I wanted to remember the last random keyword that I used? (Filename or something.)

That's why Keyboard Maestro comes in handy! In the above example, I have the random keyword set to a variable before it was displayed.

Getting the Last Random Keyword

Here's a Keyboard Maestro's Macro that I have set up to get the last used random keyword:

Repeat Word Y Y

The Other "Problem"

Every now and again the random keyword generator will echo an inappropriate keyword. The best way around this is to use a different dictionary file.

Easy Way to get a Random Keyword

Whenever I need a random keyword, I type in xx. When I want to recall the last random word generated, I type in yy.These are quick and easy strings that I don't have to worry about accidentally typing.



These posts showcase some excellent examples of why Keyboard Maestro is a must-have for every Mac OS user. As a powerful automation tool, Keyboard Maestro helps boost productivity, save time, and streamline repetitive tasks. With its vast array of customizable features and functions, it's the perfect choice for Mac OS users seeking to optimize their workflow.


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