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Bashrc Configurations for QA

Some useful Bashrc tips and tricks.

QA tends spend a lot of time using command line commands in unix. There are some useful Bash Configurations that can make things a bit easier.

Simply add these to your .barshrc or .bash_profile, for example you may want to add multiple SSH shortcuts to go to different servers. Check your Bash .history file for examples of commands that you frequently use - you may find adding an alias may increase your productivity.

Bash Examples

# Quickly go up 'X' number of directory hierarchy. Example: use: up(3)  instead of cd ../../..
up() { cd $(eval printf '../'%.0s {1..$1}) && pwd; }
export EDITOR="/usr/local/bin/bbedit"   # Mac Users should use BBEdit as their Text Editor
alias goshh='ssh -A'   # Quick Way to SSH to your servers
alias ll='ls -FGlAhp'                   # Get a nice directory listing

Tech Note: The above was created using the "Copy as Styled HTML" command in BBEdit. It's an easy way to share color syntax.



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