Plan Do Check Act
In Lean Methodology, the key point is the Plan, Do, Check, Act - or PDCA Chart. The methodology can be used continually to improve processes.
This will probably be the model that Governments will be using to decide on how to "open up the economy" in the CoronaVirus
What this all means
Figure out the objectives and steps to deliver the best results. Try to recognize an opportunity and plan a change to produce a positive result.
Not only should you take action on the plan, but test a part of the change. Take small steps and add some tracking so the changes can be measured. You want to make sure that the change has a positive effect.
Gather the data from the "Do" stage and evaluate the results. Check to see if it producing the expected results and by all means identify what you have learned.
Take additional action based on what you lean in the Check stage. If necessary, make changes to the action to improve to make to match the desired results.