QA Graphic

Calm Office

Generate Office Noise

With a lot of people working from home, it's been hard for some people to stay focus without the usual background noise. Some people can work in private, others need office noise to focus.

The people over at has a noise machine with an office sound.

Website Description

While some people have difficulty working in a noisy environment, others feel the opposite. Once you have acquired the ability to concentrate on ambient noise, you may find it surprisingly difficult to work from a quiet home. Here is an interactive sound generator that will allow Teleworkers to create their ideal work ambiance!

Calm Office Promo



I will highlight a fun Internet site every Saturday. The basic premise is to highlight sites that I regularly visit for a variety of reasons. All site recommendations are mine and are unsponsored. By highlighting these websites, I hope to provide value to those who may not know of the sites or who might be interested in visiting the sites. I also want to share the sites that I find valuable in the hopes that others will find them just as beneficial.


Friday 14 Macintosh
Saturday 15 Internet Tools
Sunday 16 Misc
Monday 17 Media
Tuesday 18 QA
Wednesday 19 Python
Thursday 20 Final Cut Pro