Snow in Massachusetts
Last night snow squall is causing big problems on the highways in Massachusetts. 495 and Route 3 were backed up for miles, in fact at 8:30 this morning Macolm Alter on WRKO suggested everyone stay off the major roads since they all had various types of accidents.
I drove over 495 and south bound was bumper to bumper. 495 north bound traffic was a little better, only a few cars were on the road, however they were going really slow since there was a lot of ice on the road. (At least 20 mph)
Route 3 wasn't any better, very heavy traffic heading south bound. The north bound roads did look in better shape than 495.
I would expect Gov. Mitt Romney will address how the state responded to the first snow/ice storm of the season in a press conference later this afternoon.
I wouldn't be surprise if Subaru and other all wheel drive dealers have lots of foot traffic this weekend. Lots of cars didn't make it to work this morning. :(