QA Graphic

FunBenfit Emails

Got to love FunBenefits spams, they have an image embedded in the email that checks to see if your reading it.

Here's an example, I altered the code so my "ID" wouldn't display.

<img src=",580446&u=202796697&imgs=0&
clickhereicon=0&ul=1&ul3=1" border="0" alt="">

I bounced this email back to the server and got a response saying: 550 Relay Access Denied

My advice is to ignore whatever FunBenefits sells.



I get a ton of spam emails. Many are just typical copycats. Every once in a while, an email will stand out that will be featured here.


Friday 14 Macintosh
Saturday 15 Internet Tools
Sunday 16 Misc
Monday 17 Media
Tuesday 18 QA
Wednesday 19 Pytest
Thursday 20 PlayWright