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Programmers File Editor Replacement

For years I would use PFE (Programmers File Editor) to write my code, even thou the application is no longer supported. I have a zip version that I put on my laptop and on my website so that I would always have it available. The application doesn't work that well under Windows 2000+, but for most features its fine. You really can't be the price.

I have recently moved on to NotePad++ as a replacement. The application is also free and it pretty much does everything that I want a text editor to do: Ability to open up multiple documents, show line numbers and a quick search and replace.

My all time favorite editor on the Windows platform is Homesite. I used that alot when it first came out and then when Macromedia purchased it and integrated it to Dreamweaver. Dreamweaver allows to you create a setup a custom tab to have the buttons that a developer may need for a particular project.



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