Wireless at South Station
In the past, travelers to Boston's South Station used to be able to get free WiFi while waiting for their train. If you google WiFi South Station you'll find several article about the free wireless access at South Station. However, the Free WiFi is gone in favor of a paid service provided by GuestBox.com.
So how is the wireless service at South Station? Is it worth the $9 month fee or $8 hourly fee? Don't ask me, it appears that the service isn't Macintosh friendly.
I am unable to login to the service using my Powerbook G4. I had no problems with the signup process, it went very smoothly and I was very excited to get online. However, I can't get past the login screen. I don't get any error messages, its just the login screen keeps showing up asking me to login everytime.
Problem is that I already put in my credit card number for a monthly subscription. I am unsure if this is related to having Macintosh 10.5 installed on my computer. I'll check to see if I have the latest patches. I am currently using Mac OS X 10.5.1 (9B18) on a Powerbook G4. I am also using the latest versions of Safari and Firefox.
If you have any support issues with South Station wireless, you should contact GuestBOX, you can call them at 888-999-1299.