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Calibri Font

If you are having problems with some characters being displayed on CD-Ricoh610-3E05 (such as the numbers 6 and 8) you should avoid using Calibri Font.

I recently experienced a problem with some charaters not printing in a document. I then change the font to Times New Roman and had no problems.

Calibri Font is a new font for Office 2007, and is "made for Vista." So you can be sure it's a quality font.

The Newpaperclip has Instructions on changing the default font from Calibri to Times New Roman.


Outlook 2007 Shortcut

When typing an email using Outlook 2007 if you click the Alt key you'll see some bubbles appear in the header menu. These are guides to which key to press to perform that action. For example, Alt-1 would save the email. If I type in H,N,O,P additional short cuts will show for that area.

Some useful short cuts:

ALT-H-AF Insert File
ALT-N-P Insert Picture
ALT-P-B Show BCC field
Alt-H-I Highlight
Alt-H-S-R Dictionary



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