Yanoff Internet Connections
In the early days of the Internet, Scott Yanoff Internet Connections was a way for people to learn about functionalities that were available on various servers. You would run the unix finger command to get the latest list.
Scott Yanoff is now an IT manager at a company and co-authored some Internet books.
The list stopped around 1993 as there was increase completion from other sources.
Here's a brief sample of what users would see:
-Baseball Scores finger jtchern@ocf.berkeley.edu for scores/standings OR mail jtchern@ocf.berkeley.edu w/Subject: MLB offers: The latter will subscribe you to receive Major League scores daily! +Backgammon Servers telnet ouzo.rog.rwth-aachen.de 8765 / 8765 offers: Play Backgammon! (Login: guest) -Billboard Charts finger buckmr@rpi.edu offers: U.S. Top Pop singles for the week. +CancerNet mail cancernet@icicb.nci.nih.gov / gopher gopher.nih.gov offers: Cancer info. statements thru email. Body-of-letter: help or Spanish -CARL telnet pac.carl.org or offers: Online database, book reviews, magazine fax delivery service.
You can see a complete Yanoff list from April 1, 1993. (Hard to believe that I kept internet files from 23 years ago.)
Chances are none of the sites are working anymore, and the email addresses listed have long been discontinued.