Five Things to Do in the Magic Kingdom City Hall
At the beginning of Main Street USA, is Magic Kingdom city hall. This is a place where you can find Disney guest services. I often see long lines and wonder what are all the things that people waiting for. So, I decided to do some research and find out all the things that people can do at the Walt Disney World City Hall.

Get Disney Buttons
Celebrating your First Visit? Anniversary? Birthday? Get a button at City Hall and let everyone know that you are celebrating. You can find some of the buttons near the door as you approach City Hall. There's no need to wait in line.
Upgrade your Multi-day pass
Want to say an extra day? Make changes to your Multi-day passes? Convert a regular pass to a park hopper pass? This is the place to get it done.
Cash from ATM
Get Cash from the ATM for tips and snacks. Don't forget to get some change for the Penny and Quarter machines!
Lost something? Find it Here
Did you lose your wallet? Lens Cap? Sun Glasses? Come over and see if it's in the lost and found. Make sure to give them a detail description of your item.
Special Ride Assistance
Do you need Guidemaps in German, Japanese, Spanish and Portuguese? How about Translation Devices for attractions? There's even a transcript of some rides.
Note: Back in the early 1990s, I remember going and getting the Haunted Mansion transcript. You can't take it home, but it's pretty cool to have available.