Americas Windiest City
Boston has some very windy days
Boston is America's Windiest City
Did you know that the Windiest city in the United States is the City of Boston?
This chart shows the average speed in a year duration:
As you can see Boston beats Chicago - which has the name as "America's Windiest City"
Corner of Huntington Ave and Belvedere Street gets to be really windy at times.
Windiest Location in the City
One of the Windiest spots is at the corner of Huntington Ave and Belvedere Street. On one side of the intersection is the Prudential Shopping Center and the other side is the Christian Science Center Plaza.
The area is very Windy because of the tall buildings and the proximity to the Massachusetts Turnpike.
This is an area where you'll want to lower your umbrella in a rainstorm. I have seen plenty of broken umbrellas because of the strong winds. Certainly, a good place to test wind resistance umbrellas.