QA Graphic

Random Poll

Check out a Random Poll on Alexa

Recently I created several Alexa Skills that integrates with this website. Over the next few Mondays, I'll be officially announcing them.

It doesn't get any more original content than this!

Random Poll Generator Skill

This week skill is based on a classic that I created back in 1996 - Bogus President Poll. My original version contained ...

Check out the old version!

Updated for Alexa

When you run this skill, instead of a long story, you hear a brief sentence of a random presidential poll headline.

Random President Poll

Since the 2020 election is still a long way out, I'll be updating the candidate names that are likely to run.

Check out the official Alexa page for more details and enable this skill.



Amazon Alexa is a great tool to have. I spent some time learning about creating my own Alexa Skills. Enjoy this and all the skills that are available.


MondayMedia Monday
SaturdayInternet Tools
SundayOpen Topic