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Parametrization in PlayWright

Test Uptime Status of Multiple Sites

Yesterday, I showed how to use Parametrization in Pytest. Here's an example of how you would run that same code in PlayWright with TypeScript:

This code checks to make sure the four websites are up and running. This is just a quick sanity test, it doesn't do any critical path testing.

import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
// List of websites to test
const WEBSITES = [
// Configure Playwright to run in headless mode globally
test.use({ headless: true });
test(`Check Websites Status`, async ({ page }) => {
// Iterate over websites to create a test for each
    for (const website of WEBSITES) {
        test(`Check if ${website} is up and running`, async ({ page }) => {
            try {
                // Attempt to load the website
                await page.goto(website, { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
                // Check if page title exists and is not empty
                const title = await page.title();
                // Check if body element exists
                const body = page.locator('body');
                await expect(body).toBeVisible();
                // Log success
                console.log(`? ${website} is up and running (Title: ${title})`);
            } catch (error) {
                // Oh the Horror: Fail the test with a detailed message
                throw new Error(`Website ${website} failed: ${error.message}`);



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