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2020 Elections

Various Sites to check out about the 2020 Election

Did you know:

Contributions or gifts to the Republican National Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible.

Know Why? Because the IRS says so:

Though giving money to your candidate of choice is a great way to get involved in civic discourse, political donations are not tax-deductible. According to the IRS: "You can't deduct contributions made to a political candidate, a campaign committee, or a newsletter fund"

The White House
The White House on August 25, 2002.

You can learn more about the 2020 Presidential Cycle by visiting 2020 Presidential Race by They are a bipartisan organization that tracks the money for national campaigns - such as a Presidential Election.

There's no election in the world more expensive than the Race for the White House. Learn where the candidates are raising their money-the industries, the states, and metro areas-and how they're spending it. You can also find data here for past presidential contests.

Election Polls

The Election Cyle pretty much kicks in high gears now that it's past Labor Day. The best place to find out the latest polls about the 2020 Democratic Presidential Nomination is RealClearPolitics

You can learn whos is doing well, and who's most likely to drop out.

Joe Biden

What I find amazing is that while Joe Biden has a commanding lead in all the presidential polls, but if you look at the stats, you'll see that he is in 5th place in fundraising.

Did You know Pete Buttigieg has raised $10,000,000 more money than Joe Biden.