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Lorem Ipsum

In the world of web design and content creation, placeholder text is a necessity. Enter the Lorem Ipsum Generator by Website Planet, a tool designed to simplify the process of generating dummy text. Whether you're a web designer, developer, or content marketer, this tool can be a game-changer.

What is Lorem Ipsum?

Lorem Ipsum is a type of placeholder text that has been used since the 1500s. It originates from the Latin phrase "dolorem ipsum," meaning "pain itself." Instead of repeatedly writing "your content here," Lorem Ipsum provides a semi-normal distribution of words and letters, making it ideal for mockups and design drafts.

Features of the Lorem Ipsum Generator

  1. Ease of Use: The generator allows you to create text with just one click. You can choose the number of paragraphs, sentences, words, or characters you need.
  2. Customization: You can select between standard text, rich text, or HTML format. Additionally, the tool supports both left-to-right and right-to-left text directions.
  3. Free and Accessible: There are no hidden costs, making it a completely free resource for anyone in need of placeholder text.

Why Use a Lorem Ipsum Generator?

Using a Lorem Ipsum generator can save you time and effort, allowing you to focus on other critical aspects of your project. It's especially useful for:

  • Web Designers: Quickly fill in content areas to visualize the layout and design.
  • Developers: Test how text will appear in different sections of a website or application.
  • Content Marketers: Create mockups for presentations or client approvals.

Website Description

Our lorem ipsum tool was created with web designers, webmasters, and content marketers in mind. If you need placeholder text for content that is not yet created, you can utilize this tool, and better yet, there are no hidden costs, it?s completely free. This way, graphic designers, full stack developers?etc. can focus on other core elements, such as creating graphical elements and creating the page layout. Right before the webpage is set to launch, you switch out the lorem ipsum text with the text ready for publication. Without this text, the quality of a webpage cannot be fully realized.

Website Planet Lorem Ipsum Generator


Wondershare FIlmora 13

As a seasoned Final Cut Pro user, you might be wondering if there's another video editing software that can match its robust capabilities while offering some fresh, innovative features. Enter Wondershare Filmora 13, a powerful tool that has recently introduced a slew of new features designed to enhance your editing experience. Let's dive into what makes Filmora 13 a compelling choice for Final Cut Pro enthusiasts.

AI Copilot Editing

A I Copilot Wordershare

Filmora 13 introduces AI Copilot Editing, a feature that acts as your personal assistant. This AI-driven tool helps streamline your editing process by providing suggestions, automating repetitive tasks, and even answering your questions about video editing. It's like having an expert editor by your side, making your workflow more efficient and enjoyable.

AI Text-Based Editing

Text Based Editing

One of the standout features is AI Text-Based Editing. This tool transcribes your video's audio into text, allowing you to edit your video as if you were editing a document. This can significantly speed up the editing process, especially for those who work with a lot of dialogue or narration1.

AI Music Generator

A I Music Generator

Creating the perfect soundtrack for your video can be time-consuming. Filmora 13's AI Music Generator simplifies this by generating royalty-free music tailored to your video's mood and theme. This feature ensures that your videos always have the perfect background music without the hassle of searching for tracks1.

AI Smart Masking

Smart Mask Wondershare

For those who love intricate masking work, Filmora 13's AI Smart Masking is a game-changer. This tool automatically detects and masks subjects in your footage, saving you time and effort. Whether you're creating complex visual effects or simple cutouts, this feature enhances your creative possibilities.

Custom Thumbnail Maker

Custom Thumbnail

Creating eye-catching thumbnails is crucial for video content. Filmora 13's Custom Thumbnail Maker uses AI to identify the most distinctive frames in your video and offers pre-designed templates to help you create professional-looking thumbnails.

Media Examples

Besure to check out the media blogs over the next few weeks as I'll feature one of these great features.


Mark III Shareware

I recently embarked on a digital archaeology expedition through my old floppy disks, and I stumbled upon a treasure trove: an Educorp disk labeled "Mark III Shareware." For those unfamiliar with the term, "shareware" was essentially the early internet, allowing software developers to distribute their creations freely for trial before purchasing.

Educorp Mark I I I

To decipher the contents of this relic, I had to consult my trusty Educorp catalog. Imagine my surprise when I discovered this single disk housed a whopping 10 applications! The mastermind behind this collection was Andrew Welch, a name that might ring a bell to those familiar with the early Mac scene, as he later founded Ambrosia Software.

This collection is a veritable goldmine for retro Mac enthusiasts. Here's a quick rundown of the software gems I found:

Black Box: A Feature-Packed System Enhancer

Think of Black Box as a Swiss Army knife for your Mac. It added a task strip (a precursor to the Dock), an analog clock, screen saver, and a host of keyboard shortcuts and system enhancements. It was like having a personal assistant for your computer, all packed into a single application.

Clarity: Photo Reduction Made Easy

In the days before digital cameras and high-resolution printers, resizing images was a challenge. Clarity stepped in to save the day, allowing users to easily reduce photo sizes to fit different printers.

Easy Envelopes Plus: Mail Made Simple

This DA (desktop accessory) streamlined the process of creating envelopes. From custom sizes to graphics and return addresses, Easy Envelopes Plus had it all.

FlashWrite: Quick and Dirty Note-Taking

A minimalist text editor that resided in the system, FlashWrite was perfect for jotting down quick notes or editing clipboard content.

Label Manager: Organize Your World

If you needed to print labels but didn't want to invest in a pricey database, Label Manager was your go-to solution. It supported various label sizes, printers, and offered sorting capabilities.

Memoir DA: Keep an Eye on Your Memory

A simple but essential tool, Memoir DA displayed your Mac's available memory, helping you manage resources effectively.

Optical: A Visual Diversion

While not strictly utilitarian, Optical offered a mesmerizing optical illusion to help you relax or simply enjoy a moment of visual intrigue.

ProFont: Crisp and Clear Text

Programmers and anyone working with text from other computers appreciated ProFont, which provided a truly monospaced typeface for consistent character spacing.

QuickCard: Phone Numbers at Your Fingertips

This CDEV (control panel device) made dialing phone numbers a breeze. You could quickly enter and store numbers, and even replay them through the Mac's speaker.

To Do! DA: Stay Organized

A timeless tool, To Do! DA helped you create, manage, and prioritize your tasks efficiently.

Discovering this forgotten treasure trove has been an absolute delight. It's a testament to the ingenuity and creativity of early software developers, and it offers a fascinating glimpse into the evolution of computer software.

Do you have any other old software gems you'd like to share?


Overcoming Visual Studio Code Snippet Limitations

Keyboard Maestro VSC

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a popular Integrated Development Environment (IDE) favored by developers for its flexibility, performance, and extensive customization options. One of the standout features of VS Code is its ability to create and use code snippets. These snippets can significantly boost productivity by allowing developers to quickly insert frequently used code templates, thereby reducing the need for repetitive typing.

However, despite the power and convenience offered by VS Code snippets, there are certain limitations that can restrict their effectiveness. This is where Keyboard Maestro, a powerful macOS automation tool, comes into play. In this blog post, we'll explore how Keyboard Maestro can be used to overcome some of these limitations, allowing you to create a more efficient and customized coding experience.

Limitations of Visual Studio Code Snippets

Before diving into the solutions, let's take a closer look at some of the key limitations of VS Code snippets:

  1. Lack of Logic Execution:
    VS Code snippets are primarily static text templates. They don't support executing logic or running scripts as part of the snippet expansion. This can be a limitation when you need to generate code dynamically based on certain conditions or calculations.

  2. Limited Trigger Options:
    Snippets in VS Code can only be triggered by typing specific prefixes, which might not be the most efficient method for all use cases. For instance, you might want to trigger a snippet based on specific UI events or keystrokes.

  3. No Interaction with Other Applications:
    VS Code snippets can't interact with other applications or system-level features. This means you're limited to the capabilities within the editor and can't leverage macOS-specific functionalities or tools.

  4. Dynamic Content Insertion:
    Snippets don't allow for dynamic content, such as inserting the current date, user input, or file names, unless manually programmed within the snippet.

  5. Complex Snippet Structure:
    Complex snippet structures, like multi-line or nested code blocks with various levels of indentation, can be cumbersome to create and manage.

Why Use Keyboard Maestro?

Keyboard Maestro is a robust automation tool for macOS that allows you to create macros to automate tasks across various applications. It excels in situations where traditional shortcuts and snippets fall short. Here are some reasons why Keyboard Maestro can be an excellent complement to VS Code snippets:

  • Conditional Logic:
    Keyboard Maestro can execute complex scripts and logical operations, allowing for dynamic code generation based on conditions or user input.

  • Custom Triggers:
    You can trigger macros using a wide range of inputs, including specific keystrokes, mouse clicks, or even system events, providing more flexibility than VS Code's snippet triggers.

  • Inter-application Automation:
    Keyboard Maestro can interact with other applications and system features, enabling cross-application workflows that aren't possible with VS Code snippets alone.

  • Dynamic Content and Variables:
    Easily insert dynamic content like dates, file names, or clipboard contents into your code with the help of variables and conditions.

  • Complex Code Structures:
    Automate the insertion of complex, multi-line code structures without worrying about formatting issues.

Setting Up Keyboard Maestro with Visual Studio Code

Now that we've covered why Keyboard Maestro is beneficial, let's explore how you can set it up to enhance your VS Code experience. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Install Keyboard Maestro

If you haven't already, download and install Keyboard Maestro from the official website. Once installed, open the application to start creating your macros.

Step 2: Create a New Macro

  1. Open Keyboard Maestro and click on the + button at the bottom-left corner to create a new macro.
  2. Give your macro a descriptive name, such as "Insert Timestamp in VS Code."

Step 3: Set a Trigger

  1. Click on the "New Trigger" dropdown.
  2. Choose the desired trigger type. For instance, you might select "Hot Key Trigger" to assign a specific key combination.

Step 4: Add Actions

This is where the magic happens. You can add multiple actions to create complex workflows.


The Capital Grille

We recently had the pleasure of dining at The Capital Grille in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, for a special occasion: a 50th birthday celebration. This restaurant is conveniently located directly across from the Chestnut Hill Mall, right off the eastbound side of Route 9. Our dining experience included my 13-year-old daughter, who has celiac disease, making gluten-free dining a priority for us. Here's what we learned from our visit.

About The Capital Grille

The Capital Grille is a renowned upscale steakhouse known for its elegant ambiance, exceptional service, and expertly prepared dishes. From dry-aged steaks to fresh seafood, each menu item is crafted with high-quality ingredients, ensuring a dining experience that caters to the most discerning palates. The sophisticated decor and refined atmosphere make it an ideal spot for celebrating special occasions or enjoying a memorable meal with loved ones.

Four Things We Learned

1. Gluten-Free Bread Options

To our delight, The Capital Grille offers gluten-free bread, which comes as two sandwich slices. This thoughtful touch allows those with gluten sensitivities to enjoy bread alongside their meal, a rare find in fine dining establishments. It's always nice when a restaurant considers the needs of diners with dietary restrictions right from the start.

The Capital Grille Grille Bread
The Capital Grille Grille Bread

2. Creamed Spinach is Not Gluten-Free

While many items were available for gluten-sensitive diners, we did encounter a hiccup with the Creamed Spinach. Unfortunately, it is not gluten-free, a fact we discovered only when the dish was served. Our waiter informed us of this detail at the table, which was a bit disappointing as it would have been preferable to know when ordering, allowing us to choose a different side dish. This experience serves as a reminder to always double-check specific dish ingredients with your server if you have any dietary concerns.

3. Dry Aged NY Strip

The Dry Aged NY Strip was a highlight of our meal. Our waiter took extra care to ensure that everything in our order was gluten-free, making us feel confident and comfortable with our choices.

The Capital Grille Dry Aged N Y Strip
The Capital Grille Dry Aged NY Strip

The steak was served at the same time as other dishes, seamlessly blending into the dining experience. In some restaurants, dishes made with dietary considerations are brought out separately by the manager, indicating that the kitchen has taken extra care. While that didn't happen here, the attentiveness of our waiter reassured us of their commitment to a safe dining experience. And most importantly, the steak was excellent, satisfying the most discerning of tastes.

4. Flourless Chocolate Espresso Cake

No meal is complete without dessert, and the Flourless Chocolate Espresso Cake was the perfect ending to our evening. This decadent dessert was absolutely delicious, and my daughter, Juliana, savored every bite. The rich flavors and perfect texture made it a memorable dish that beautifully complemented our celebration.

The Capital Grille Flowerless Cake
The Capital Grille Flowerless Cake

Great Meal!

Overall, our impression of The Capital Grille was very positive. Everyone at the table enjoyed their meal, and the attention to gluten-free dining was much appreciated. While The Capital Grille is undoubtedly an upscale and expensive restaurant, it's well worth the price for special occasions. The ambiance, service, and, most importantly, the food make it a dining destination that we'll likely revisit for future celebrations.

Final Thoughts: If you're looking for a place that accommodates gluten-free dining without compromising on taste and quality, The Capital Grille in Chestnut Hill is a fantastic option. Just be sure to ask specific questions about menu items to ensure a seamless dining experience.

We look forward to returning to The Capital Grille for another special occasion. Until then, we'll fondly remember our enjoyable evening celebrating a milestone birthday with delicious food and good company.


Accident Claim Hotline Phone Scam

Have you ever received a call from someone claiming you were involved in a car accident that you have absolutely no recollection of? If so, you're not alone. These pesky phone scams have been making the rounds, trying to convince unsuspecting people that they are entitled to compensation for accidents that never happened.

I recently had one of these entertaining conversations, and I decided to have a little fun with it. I'll share the story below, along with an audio recording of the call.

The Call That Made Me Laugh

Imagine this: you're going about your day, and suddenly your phone rings. It's an unknown number, but you decide to answer. On the other end is someone with an official-sounding voice, trying to convince you that you were involved in a car accident and that you can claim compensation. Sounds suspicious, right?

The caller started with the usual spiel, insisting that I was involved in a car accident recently. Now, I've had my fair share of mishaps, but nothing like what they were describing. I decided to flip the script and play along.

The Deer Incident

With the most serious tone I could muster, I told the caller that my "accident" involved a deer. Yes, a deer! According to the scammer's logic, I should be able to claim compensation from the deer. Good luck with that, right?

The caller was taken aback, and hung up the phone. (Don't they do any kind of checking before they call-)

Here's the audio recording of that call for your amusement:

Why These Scams Work

The unfortunate truth is that these scams can be convincing and, sadly, effective. Many people fall victim to them because they are caught off guard or fear missing out on potential compensation. Scammers often use aggressive tactics, insisting on the legitimacy of their claims and urging immediate action.

These scammers often target individuals who might not remember every detail of their driving history, especially if they've been in a legitimate accident before. They use vague descriptions and pressure tactics to convince you that you might be owed money.

How to Protect Yourself

Here are a few tips to protect yourself from falling victim to such scams:

  1. Stay Calm and Verify: If you receive a call about an accident you don't remember, stay calm and ask for specifics. Scammers often lack details and will try to keep the conversation vague.

  2. Do Not Share Personal Information: Never give out personal information such as your address, social security number, or financial details over the phone unless you are sure of the caller's identity.

  3. Ask for Documentation: Legitimate claims should be accompanied by official documentation. If they can't provide any, it's likely a scam.

  4. Trust Your Instincts: If something feels off about the call, it probably is. Hang up and do your own research or contact your insurance company directly.

  5. Report the Call: If you suspect a scam, report the call to your local authorities or the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). This helps prevent others from falling victim to the same tactics.

Spread the Word

Scams like these are becoming increasingly common, and it's important to spread awareness. By sharing our stories and staying informed, we can protect ourselves and others from falling prey to such tactics.

I'd love to hear your experiences with phone scams! Have you had a similar call? Did you play along, or did you hang up right away? Let me know in the comments below.

Stay vigilant and keep your sense of humor handy. Sometimes, the best way to deal with scammers is to give them a dose of their own medicine, with a touch of humor.


How to Audit and Update Your Business Citations for Better Result

A laptop on a table

Ensuring your business is visible online is essential. Business citations, which mention your business name, address, and phone number (NAP) on websites and directories, play a significant role in this visibility. Accurate and consistent citations enhance your local SEO and improve your search engine rankings. This article will guide you on how to audit and update your business citations for better results. Following these unique tips can enhance your online presence and attract more customers.

Understanding Business Citations: The Basics

Business citations are essential for local SEO because they help search engines verify your business information. Search engines are more likely to trust your business when your NAP details are consistent across various platforms. This trust translates into better rankings and increased visibility. Citations can appear on multiple platforms, including business directories, social media profiles, and review sites. Understanding the importance of these citations is the first step toward improving your online presence.

The Role of Professional Citation Services

Companies that provide citation services are essential for businesses looking to manage and optimize their online citations effectively. As a leading professional citation service, specializes in maintaining accurate and consistent business information across various platforms, such as Google My Business, Yelp, and other online directories. They offer services that include citation building, citation auditing, and citation cleanup, ensuring that your business's details are correct and up-to-date everywhere they appear. By using advanced tools and industry expertise, their services help improve your local search rankings, boost your online visibility, and attract more customers. Partnering with them saves you time and effort and allows you to focus on other critical aspects of your business while they enhance your online presence for better results.

A person using a laptop
Use professional citation services to keep your business information consistent and up-to-date across all platform

Tools and Resources for Auditing Citations

Several tools can assist you in conducting a thorough citation audit. Platforms like Moz, BrightLocal, and Yext offer comprehensive solutions for tracking and managing your business citations. These tools can scan the web for mentions of your business and highlight inconsistencies. They also provide options for updating incorrect information directly through their interfaces. While free tools are available, investing in paid resources can offer more detailed insights and greater convenience.

Step-by-Step Guide to Auditing Your Business Citations

Conducting a citation audit involves several steps. First, create a comprehensive list of all existing citations. This list should include directories, social media profiles, and review sites where your business information appears. Next, check each citation for accuracy, ensuring that your NAP details match exactly across all platforms. Document any errors or inconsistencies you find. This documentation will serve as a reference when you update your citations.

Why Regular Audits Are Essential

Regular citation audits are essential for maintaining the accuracy and consistency of your business information. Over time, information can become outdated due to changes in address, phone number, or other business details. Identifying and correcting these discrepancies can prevent potential customers from encountering incorrect information, which can damage your reputation. Further, incorrect citations can confuse search engines, leading to lower rankings. Hence, regular audits ensure your citations remain up-to-date and accurate.

A view of a computer monitor
Regularly audit and update your business citations to maintain accuracy and improve your local SEO rankings.

How to Update Your Business Citations

To update your business citations, correct the errors identified during your audit. Contact the directories and platforms where the incorrect information appears and request updates. Many platforms allow you to make these changes directly through your business account. Ensure that your NAP information is consistent and accurate. Consistency is important because even small discrepancies can impact your search engine rankings. Taking the time to update your citations will significantly improve your online visibility.

Ensuring Consistency Across All Platforms

Consistency in your business citations is vital for effective SEO. Inconsistent NAP details can confuse search engines and potential customers. Ensure your business information is uniform across all platforms, including Google My Business, Yelp, and other major directories. Regularly review and update your information to maintain this consistency. Maintaining consistency in your citations may raise your search engine results and establish credibility.

Leveraging New Citation Opportunities

In addition to maintaining existing citations, seek out new citation opportunities. Submitting your business information to new directories can expand your citation network and increase your online visibility. Look for reputable directories k. Submitting accurate and detailed information to these platforms can attract new customers and boost your search engine rankings. Expanding your citation network is a proactive way to enhance your online presence.

Monitoring and Maintaining Your Citations

After updating your business citations, establish a routine for regular monitoring. Set up alerts and notifications to be informed of any changes to your citations. Keeping a record of all updates and changes can help you track your progress and maintain accuracy. Regular maintenance ensures that your citations remain accurate and consistent, contributing to sustained improvements in your search engine rankings.

A table with a computer on it
Set up alerts to be informed of any changes to your citations

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When auditing and updating your business citations, avoid common pitfalls. Duplicate listings can confuse search engines and dilute your SEO efforts. Ensure that each citation is unique and accurate. Also, pay attention to the categorization of your business. Incorrect categorization can affect your visibility in search results. You can optimize the advantages of your citation efforts by clarifying these errors.

The Importance of Accurate Citations for Local SEO

Accurate citations are a cornerstone of effective local SEO. When search engines crawl the web, they use the consistency of your business information to verify your legitimacy and relevance. If your business name, address, and phone number are consistent across multiple trusted sources, search engines are more likely to rank your business higher in local search results. This improved visibility can lead to increased traffic, both online and offline. Further, accurate citations help potential customers find and contact your business easily, enhancing their trust and likelihood to engage with your services. In short, maintaining accurate citations is an essential strategy for boosting your local SEO efforts and growing your business.


Auditing and updating your business citations is essential for improving your online visibility and search engine rankings. Regular audits, accurate updates, and consistent monitoring are key to maintaining effective citations. Take these steps to regularly audit and update your business citations for better results and a stronger online presence.

Looking for high-quality movie posters for your project?

The Internet Movie Poster Awards website is a great resource. It boasts a massive collection of posters for movies from 1912 to the latest releases. You can easily search for specific films or browse by release date.

This website is a perfect source, especially if you're planning a 70s, 80s, or 90s themed party!

Check out the Internet Movie Poster Awards for all your movie poster needs.

Website Description

Internet Movie Poster Awards - One of the largest collections of movie poster images online.



Repositioning an Image with a Mask in Pixelmator Pro's Bento Grid

Bento Grid Alignment

Pixelmator Pro continues to be a versatile tool for creatives, and with the introduction of the Bento Grid template in April, creating visually appealing collage-style images has never been easier. This template mimics the sleek, organized image displays commonly seen in Apple's Keynote presentations.

However, one challenge you might encounter is repositioning an image within a masked placeholder, such as the iPhone Placeholder layer. Attempting to move the image often results in the entire placeholder shifting, which can be frustrating. Fortunately, there's a simple solution to this problem. Here's a step-by-step guide to adding an image to the Bento Grid and repositioning it within a masked layer.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Upload an Image
    • Begin by uploading your image using the '+' button. This adds the image to the placeholder in the Bento Grid.
  2. Navigate to the Appropriate Layer
    • In the Layers palette, locate Section 3. This section contains the iPhone Placeholder layer where you'll be working. Click on the arrow to expand that section.
  3. Unlink the Mask
    • Right-click on the 'Display' layer in Section 3 and select "Unlink Mask". This action will allow you to manipulate the image without affecting the mask.
  4. Select the Media Placeholder Layer
    • Click on the Media Placeholder Layer. This is where your image is positioned within the mask.
  5. Reposition the Image
    • Using the Arrange Tool, reposition the image within the placeholder until you achieve the desired look. Adjust the image to ensure it fits perfectly and enhances your overall design.
  6. Relink the Mask
    • Once you're satisfied with the image placement, right-click on the 'Display' layer again and select "Link Mask". This final step ensures the mask is reapplied correctly to your adjusted image.

Unlink Mask Pixelmator
Unlink the Mask is the key to having the freedom to move the image around.


Repositioning an image within a masked layer in Pixelmator Pro's Bento Grid doesn't have to be a hassle. By unlinking the mask, you gain the flexibility to move your image freely, ensuring it aligns perfectly within your design. This simple technique allows you to create professional, polished visuals with ease.

Experiment with different images and placements to make the most of the Bento Grid template, and enjoy the creative possibilities Pixelmator Pro offers. Happy designing!


Rediscovering MacWorld Tokyo 1995

Mac World1995 Header Graphic

Last month, as I was cleaning up my closet, I stumbled upon a trove of old floppy disks. Among them was a particularly intriguing one given to me many years ago. This disk contains a treasure trove of photos from the 1995 MacWorld show in Tokyo. The photos were taken by a volunteer from the Boston Computer Society, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people learn about computers. Their booth at MacWorld Tokyo was a hub of excitement, and someone armed with an Apple QuickTake 200 Camera captured the vibrant atmosphere of the exhibit hall.

Mac World Tokyo1995 Floppy
One of the floppy disks that I found. This just shows how importaint it is to label media files.

Four Things I Learned from This Find

1. The Apple QuickTake 200 Camera

The Apple QuickTake 200, an early digital camera, was used to capture the photos. It produced images with a resolution of 640 x 480 pixels, and each photo was about 121 KB in size. In today's world of multi-megapixel cameras, it's fascinating to see how far technology has come.

2. Converting QuickDraw Format

The photos were stored in QuickDraw format, which isn't easily viewable using modern software like Apple Preview. I had to use Graphic Converter to convert these images into a more accessible format. It's a reminder of how much digital formats have evolved over the years and the importance of preserving old software tools.

3. The Longevity of Floppy Disks

I found three floppy disks from the trade show, and only one of them wasn't working. Considering these disks are 29 years old, it's quite impressive that the other two were still readable. It's a testament to the durability of floppy disks, despite their limited storage capacity by today's standards.

4. A Piece of History: The 1995 MacWorld Expo Tokyo Poster

While exploring this find, I discovered that the 1995 MacWorld Expo Tokyo poster is selling for $95 on eBay. I have a copy, and the backside of the poster features a young Bill Gates, just months before the announcement of Windows 95. This poster is not just a piece of memorabilia; it's a snapshot of a pivotal moment in tech history.

Tokyo Photos
A couple of people that I found on the floppy disk.I used Pixelmator to increase the resolution.

Reflecting on MacWorld Tokyo 1995

MacWorld Tokyo 1995 was a significant event, bringing together tech enthusiasts and industry pioneers from around the world. The Boston Computer Society's presence at the event highlighted the importance of community and education in the rapidly evolving world of technology. The photos I uncovered provide a glimpse into that era, capturing the excitement and innovation that defined the mid-90s tech scene.

Preserving Digital Memories

Finding these photos and being able to convert and view them again was a nostalgic and enlightening experience. It underscores the importance of preserving our digital past, even as we move forward into an increasingly digital future. Each floppy disk, each photo, and each piece of memorabilia from events like MacWorld Tokyo 1995 is a valuable artifact that tells the story of our technological journey.

As I continue to explore and digitize these old floppy disks, I look forward to uncovering more hidden gems and sharing them with you. Stay tuned for more adventures in digital archaeology!

Do you have any memories from MacWorld Tokyo 1995 or similar events? Have you ever stumbled upon old digital media that brought back a flood of memories? Share your stories in the comments below!



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