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iPhone 6s Plus Screen Shot

Every once in a while I'll post a screenshot of the main screen on my iPhone 6s Plus.You'll notice that I keep the bottom of the screen empty, that's because I don't want the first screen to be cluttered. I also included my legacy iPhone 5s with today's post too:

Click on the image for a larger version.

Some notes about the screen capture:

  • My goal is to always have the most critical applications on the first screen.
  • I can't get away from having 'Facebook' as one of the applications.
  • The App 'EveryDay' takes my picture everyday. I put it on the main screen to remind me to take a picture.
  • If I had to choose an App to remove from the main screen, it would be the BreakingNews app, as I usually only look at it once a day.
  • I have Google Maps, but try to use Apple maps a bit more.
  • I don't have OneDrive on my iPhone 6s Plus main screen is because I am running out of disk space. I used OneDrive to back up a lot of my Disney World photos and videos.
  • I haven't found a good background Wallpaper, so I settled for Apple's default.



In October 2015, I upgraded my iPhone 5s to an iPhone 6s Plus. I am always looking for new exciting ways to use the device. Occasionally, I will share some new practical tip about the iPhone 6s Plus.


Tuesday 11 QA
Wednesday 12 Pytest
Thursday 13 PlayWright
Friday 14 Macintosh
Saturday 15 Internet Tools
Sunday 16 Misc
Monday 17 Media