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Magic Pictures

Xsight Technologies, has identified three ways to improve the quality of pictures. These techniques will help you take better digital pictures:

  • Adjust The Contrast
  • Switch To Black & White
  • Save Your "Lossless" Files

Check out the detail article over at Xsight Technologies website:

Xsight Technologies is coming out with a new tool that truly sharpens images and compresses them simultaneously. It's currently available as a website application, and soon they will have an iOS and Android version.

Watch Magic Pictures in Action!

Visit and in the header you'll see a place to upload a picture. Try a couple of pictures and see how good the quality of your picture comes out. Then check out the compression savings. The slider functionality shows you the before/after.

Olympus XZ-2 iHS Test

Here's an example of a photo I took at the Wayside in Sudbury, Massachusetts on October 30, 2016. The photo was taken with my Olympus XZ-2 iHS, and the default file size is 3.925.7 MB.

Wayside Magic Picture

The rocks on the building are clearer and the fall colors do pop out more using Magic Pictures. I can see how this could really make photos pop.

iPhone 6s Plus Testing

In my testing, I found that pictures taken with my Olympus XZ-2 iHS had better file size compression. Photos taken with my iPhone 6s Plus had much clearer pictures but were slightly larger. Here's an example of the iPhone 6s Plus:

Bostoni Phone Magic

In the side-by-side comparison, I can tell that the colors are brighter and the grass and trees aren't as blurry as they are in the original.



In October 2015, I upgraded my iPhone 5s to an iPhone 6s Plus. I am always looking for new exciting ways to use the device. Occasionally, I will share some new practical tip about the iPhone 6s Plus.


Tuesday 11 QA
Wednesday 12 Pytest
Thursday 13 PlayWright
Friday 14 Macintosh
Saturday 15 Internet Tools
Sunday 16 Misc
Monday 17 Media