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Guide to Traveling with a Medical Condition

Handy Website to help people with medical condition have a great vacation

If you have a medical condition, there’s no need to give up traveling. There’s plenty of places to see and inspire your recovery.

The people at put together a handy guide to help with the planning and preparation on traveling with any type of medical condition

Great Tips from the Guide

The guide offers helpful travel advice and information, such as:

  • Some of the common problems associated with travelling abroad with a health condition.
  • How to plan and pack for a holiday if you have a disability or certain health issues.
  • Vaccinations and visas, and taking medical supplies through customs.
  • Other useful tips and resources to help you travel safely.

Insurance With

Five Things I Learned about the Travel Advice Site

InsuranceWith is a UK based organization, but a lot of the travel tips certain apply to anyone that travels around the world.

Information is well organized into several chapters so you can get right to the information you are looking for.

There’s a checklist of what you should be aware of before you travel with a medical condition.

Great tips on getting your medical supplies through customs (Chapter 3)

Did you know that If you have a heart condition, you should avoid traveling to locations that are over 2,000 meters. (Hey, I actually learned something new!)

Read Before Traveling

The Guide to Traveling with a Medical Condition is very useful and certainly worth reading before any traveling. I would recommend reading it while your planning hotels/airlines.

Even if your an expert in traveling, this guide can be a refresher on how to make the most of your vacation.