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A-Z Challenge 2021

Getting ready for the 5th year

This weeks mark the 5th year that I'll participate in the April's A to Z Challenge.

You can see all the previous posts on the's A-Z page.

No Big Theme Reveal

This year I am not going with anything exciting. It will mark the first year that Boston won't be part of the weekly contribution. Had it been, I would have had to come up with content with the letters: A,G,M,S, and Y.

Here's the lineup for this years content:

Sunday Open Content (Not included as part of the A-Z challenge)
Monday Media Monday
Tuesday Apple Motion - Great companion to Final Cut Pro
Wednesday jQuery - I am dropping Affinity Designer in April because I can't think of useful topics.
Thursday GoPro
Friday Macintosh
Saturday Internet

Toughest Posts Days

So based on past experiences, the toughest post days are likely to be:

Date Letters Category Note
April 13 K Final Cut Pro There's not a lot of 'k' words, obviously Key Frames comes to mind.
April 16 N Macintosh Words with 'N' are hard to find or think of. Maybe Notion or Network Utility?
April 20 Q Final Cut Pro There are very few Q letters. Maybe Quality or Quit?
April 28 X jQuery There's only 293 words that start with X in the Unix dictionary. Maybe XML or XPath?
April 30 Z Macintosh Not a lot of words with z. Maybe Zoom in the Finder?