More January 2001 Commercials
Last of the collection from a VHS tape
I was watching a VHS tape dated January 22, 2001, which contained six hours of recorded shows. While reviewing it, I discovered some great classic commercials worth sharing:
Now Playing
- Hostess - Rino sees a Hostess Cupcake
- Heinz EZ Squirt - The mess on the guys car.
- The Jetta - Cool feature to open all the windows
- 1-800-Collect - Save a Buck or Two
- Suzanne Sommers - Ultra Track Workout machine.
- Ruffles - Bigger Ridges! Better for Dipping
- Michelob light - "That's why he put Michelob light in his resume."
- Today's Carnival - "We can shop"
- Jack in the Box - Liquid Sandwiches & You can't stop progress.