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Haunted Mansion CD

I have played the Haunted Mansion sountrack on my commute home last night and this morning and found it to be a pretty good album. The only songs that I liked is 'Man With The Hex' by the Atomic Fireballs and 'Somebody's Watching Me' by Morris Day. The only stupid song is the 24 seconds 'So Long' song by the Singing Busts. I guess that the 'So Long' song occurs at the end of the movie or at the end of the credits.

This is the fifth movie soundtrack that I have purchased, the other soundtracks in my collection:

  • Dirty Dancing
  • Good Morning Vietnam
  • Man on the Moon
  • Back to the Future II
The only reason why I bought the 'Man on the Moon' soundtrack was because that was the only way to get REM 'Man on the Moon' song. It appears that a lot of people did this since you can now buy a used copy on Amazon for only $1.69. The shipping cost exceeds the value of the CD!



Meanwhile, At the Movies


Friday 14 Macintosh
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