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CoronaVirus in Framingham

How to get the latest information on the CoronaVirus in Framingham

Note: All week long we are covering the impact of the CoronoVirus. It's the biggest story of March, and has a lot of Framingham residents in their homes participating in the Social Distancing.

Today in Massachusetts there are 218 Confirmed cases of the CoronaVirus. There are 1,083 people that are subject to quarantine.

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Of the 19 counties in Massachusetts, Middlesex County has the most reported: 89.

In Framingham there are now four reported cases. According to Sam Song, the Framingham Director of Public Health, all reported cases are under self-quarantine

The city of Framingham Board of Health now limits the in-person meetings. This means that City Council members will be conducting remote meetings. As of today, March 17, 2020, the City Hall Building and related Public Buildings are now closed to the public.

You can find the latest information on the status of the CoronaVirus on the website.

The city will continue to monitor the situation and reevaluate the need to close the public buildings - Trash Pickup and access to the parks are not impacted