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10 benefits of link building for your business

 A man and a woman high fiving in the office

If you're running your own business, you probably know that good SEO is essential for it. However, we're not talking just about picking the right keywords here. It goes far beyond that. If you want to do everything as you should, you need to focus on many more things, and getting backlinks is one of the most important among them. If you don't yet know much about it, when you look at all the benefits of link building for your business, you'll want to put it at the heart of your SEO strategy.

What is link building?

As you could guess from the name, it's a process of getting links to your site. However, there is a way how this is done. You can't post links to your website everywhere on the internet. Your link needs to be relevant and make sense for the place where it is.

If you ignore this and try to go for a scattergun approach, you won't boost your rank. On the contrary, you'll probably hurt it this way. You need a balanced strategy and plenty of connections to other authorities in your niche. If you want to get your home-based business off the ground, this is the only way to do it.

Now that you know what you should aim for let's get into the benefits.

When you build links, you make digital doorways to your site.

A man researching the benefits of link building for your business on a laptop

1. Links give you credibility

Links show how authoritative your website is. The more high-quality examples you have, the better you'll do. The goal here is to get users the information they're after when they need it. And if you can help Google do this, you'll do well.

When people mention you or use your link as a source, it shows that they trust you. And if they trust you, that's a good sign that your credibility factor should grow. At least that's how search engines look at it. However, your links need to come from other trusted sites. One good link is better than ten bad ones; remember that.

2. Google uses links to determine rank

If you don't build links, you're not accounting for more than half of Google's ranking considerations. And, if you don't have any links, it's almost impossible even to rank your site. This should make it clear how much Google cares for these.

We don't have to explain that if you have more backlinks, you'll rank better. Hence, you'll be in front of your competitors. If you believe that this is too much for you to handle at the beginning, it pays off to work with a company like Professionals already know all the tricks in the book. In essence, they'll do the whole job for you.

3. You'll get more traffic

When your links are at the right places, they attract relevant audiences. You'll get visitors from industry authority sites, and these are the people you want to become your customers.

Now, with the right targeting, you'll improve traffic from external sources, that's clear. However, you'll boost your organic traffic as well. With time, your site becomes more relevant so that it will show on SERPs more often.

Among the biggest benefits of link building for your business is that more people will visit your site.

A Google search for analytics on the phone.

4. Your site metrics and SEO scores will be better

There are a few ranking metrics that all SEO savvies are interested in:

  • Domain Authority (DA)
  • Domain Rating (DR)
  • Page Rank (PR)
  • Alexa Rank

Seeing these metrics rise is always a good signal for the strength of your domain, and that's what will happen if you build links properly. So, this is one of the benefits of link building for your business. Your site health will increase, and it will be more visible and better exposed.

5. More sales and greater revenue opportunities

Understanding this one is easy. When your metrics and traffic rise, you get more chances to build strong revenue. As we already mentioned, your site will appear higher in search results, so more people will visit it.

All of them are your potential customers. You'll sell more products and earn more money. But, you might want to improve the visual aspect of your branding strategy at this time. If you want people to buy from you, they need to remember your brand.

6. Better relationships within your niche

To build relevant links, you'll have to be connected to authority players in your niche. On a competitive scene, that may sound a bit scary. However, it doesn't have to be. Look at it this way. You'll get to meet other like-minded people, so you'll probably like them. And you might even get a chance to collaborate with some of them. With these, you can up your game easily.

7. You'll stand out as an authority voice

We all want our businesses to be at the forefront of our industries. And this is where sustained link building can help. If you play your cards right, people will start seeing you as a trusted figure. So, you'll get higher revenues and better sales because of that.

Not only will your company benefit, but you will too. When you start dominating the conversations in your field, it'll be a lot easier to sell your product.

If you do it for long enough, you'll become the authoritative voice in your niche.

A man explaining something.

8. Non-stop referral traffic

Once you have a permanent link on an authority site, you'll see regular traffic coming from it. It's a new form of marketing that you should embrace. And when you compare it to the old one, it's easy to see why. When your ad stops, you don't get any traffic from it. However, referral links work for the long term.

9. Greater visibility and exposure

We already mentioned this, but it's a big thing, so we feel it deserves a spot on the list. Here, we want to explain how link building can help with lead generation. For instance, if you want to raise awareness for your brand in a particular location, this is a great way to do it.

Find a niche site popular in the area and reach out to them with some content. Writing a guest blog post is the easiest way to get a link. And if you run out of ideas, remember that your Google search is your blog topic ideas.

10. Lower bounce rates

If people visit one page on your website and then leave, you can consider them bounced. And that's what bounce rates are all about. To make them stick around for longer, add internal links into the mix.

Users will see more of your content, and Google will be able to navigate your site. So, you're winning on two sides. That's why this is the final of the benefits of link building for your business.

Meta description: Learn what are the 10 benefits of link building for your business, including what you will get if you start with it, and which way you should go.



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