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Fix It Right the First Time

The QA Guide to Patching in Production

Patching in production - it's every QA engineer's worst nightmare and every developer's necessary evil. But here's the thing: a quick fix isn't always a real fix. If you don't fix it right the first time, you're just rolling out a "Version 2.0" of the original problem.

In today's post, we'll dive into a real-world example of why proper patching matters, how bad fixes spiral into bigger issues, and the key takeaways to ensure you fix it right the first time.

Act 1: The $100K Bug

Picture this: The release just went live. The team is celebrating, and the next sprint is on the horizon. But then -

A critical database issue emerges.

Customers with exactly $100,000 in spend are seeing a bug. Panic sets in. A developer rushes out a quick fix and proudly announces:

"Deployed to QA! Issue resolved!"

QA runs a test. The problem disappears. Crisis averted! Right?


Act 2: The $1M Curveball

Just as the dev team is patting themselves on the back, QA runs another check and finds an issue:

Customers with $1 million in spend still have the same problem.

Turns out, the developer's fix was too specific - it only solved the $100K edge case but didn't fix the underlying logic flaw.

The result? More time lost, more stress, and a frustrated CTO wondering why this wasn't caught earlier.

Act 3: The Right Fix ? No Sequels Required

So, what happens next?

This time, instead of another band-aid fix, the team takes the time to analyze the root cause. The result?

  • A real fix that resolves the logic flaw across all spend levels.
  • No more last-minute patches needed in the next release.
  • A cleaner, simpler solution that prevents future surprises.

Moral of the story? A fast patch isn't always a good patch.

The QA Lesson: Test for the Unexpected

This issue wasn't caught before the release because it was an edge case - an inadvertent change in spend calculations exposed an unseen bug. Here's what QA learned:

  • Expand test coverage: Automation tests now include $100K, $500K, and $1M transactions - not just a sample range.
  • Shift left testing: QA collaborates with Devs earlier to ensure they're fixing the root cause, not just the reported issue.
  • Proactive validation: Instead of reacting to bugs, the team tests for unexpected scenarios before they reach production.

The best patch? The one you don't have to make twice. Fix it right the first time.



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