Election 2021 Recap
Quick overview of the Mayor Election
A quick follow-up to this week's Mayor election. While the City of Framingham hasn't released the final numbers, they are likely not to change from the unofficial results.
Six Things That I Learned
Charlie Sisitsky beat Yvonne M. Spicer by a nearly 2:1 margin. (He won by 4,374 votes.)
In 2017, Yvonne M. Spicer beat John A. Stefanini by a closer margin - 2,673 votes. 2017 was the first year Framingham elected a Mayor.
Voters commented to the Framingham Source that they didn't like how Yvonne M. Spicer handled the whole pandemic and water-sewer enterprise funds.
District 9, Southern Framingham, was the only district where Yvonne M. Spicer beat Charlie Sisitsky. It also happens to be the district with the lowest turnout. Precent 16 has an 18% turnout and Precent 17 had a 10% turnout. Both precents also had single-digit turnouts for the primary.
Yvonne M. Spicer worst performing district was District 1, Northern Framingham, where she only got 20% of the vote in Precent 1 and 22% of the vote in Precent 2.
Precent 4 had the highest turn out with 42% reporting. Precent 4 covers the Pheasant Hill area. This is part of District 2 where Adam Steiner and Mary Feeney were fighting for the District 3 City Councilor spot. Adam Steiner won the seat by only 2 votes!
PermalinkDowntown Framingham Commons
Downtown Park is really an Old Indian Burial Ground
When driving through downtown Framingham, you'll probably see a small park - not too far from the train tracks. This is the Downtown Framingham Commons.
If you look carefully, you'll see a couple of markers on the Concord Street side of the park. This park is actually an old Indian Burial ground.
Ten Things I Learned
This is the Nipmuc Tribe graveyard - the final resting place of the chieftains and warriors.
This park used to be called the "the Old Field"
In 1693, Nathaniel Eames found this spot and cleared the area to make room for a cornfield. Nathaniel Eames would have known that it was a graveyard as the Indians had mounds of dirt or stones above the graves.
When building the Baptist meeting-house an Indian grave was discovered. Along with skeleton remains, they found spearheads.
On June 17, 1910 - The small bolder and tablet was dedicated by the Framingham Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
Participating in the ceremony was Dorothy Boynton Eames, the daughter of Mr and Mrs George H. Eames and the eighth direct descendent of the Eames family that was massacred in 1676.
In 1946 - The granite stone marker was placed. (There isn't any information on the ceremony.)
Size of the Park: 0.43 Acres
Official Address is: 2 Park Street, Framingham MA 01702
Framingham Property ID: 128-86-5248-000
Stone Engraving
This is the description on the granite stone marker:
This the "Old Field" of 1800 was an indian Burial ground A Town Common since 1854 The gift of Lovell Eames
This stone erected under the will of William Harvey Smith 1946
The bronzes represent local Indian Life The Center The carrying of corn to the hungry bay colonists in 1630. Over the nearby trail later called "Old Connecticut Path"
Aaron Hill
Revolutionary War Soldiers
Near the front entrance of the "Old Burying Ground Cemetery" is a gravestone that has a Revolutionary War marker. I thought it would be interesting to learn more about this gravestone.
Interesting Things I Learned
Aaron was born on April 27, 1752 in Sherborn, Massachusetts.
Joined the American Revolution, at age 25, with the Captain Buckminster's Company, Col. Bullard's Regt. This is the description in the Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the American Revolution:
HILL, AARON, Framingham. Descriptive list of men raised in Middlesex Co. for the term of 9 months from the time of their arrival at Fishkill, agreeable to resolve of April 20, 1778; Capt. Buckminster's co., Col. Bullard's regt.; age, 25 yrs.; stature, 5 ft. 6 in.; residence, Framingham; arrived at Fishkill June 21, 1778; also list of men returned received of Jonathan Warner, Commissioner, by Col. R. Putnam, July 20, 1778.
Fishkill Supply Depot was the site chosen by General George Washington as the principle supply depot for the Continental Army. The Depot is located in Fishkill, NY. (The site is 168 miles from Framingham.)
Married Katharine Hall on June 4, 1778. They had 3 children:
- Abel Hill (1787 - 1874) - Buried in Cavendish Village Cemetery in Cavendish, Vermont
- Sally Hill (1788 - 1879) - [ Sally Hill Chickering ] Buried in Edwards Church Cemetery in Framingham, Massachusetts
- Nancy Hall Hill (1806 - 1867) - [ Nancy Hills Irving ] Buried in Walnut Street Cemetery in Brookline, Massachusetts.
Aaron Hill died by a "Disease if the heart" at 66 on May 4, 1818 in Brookline.
PermalinkCorporal. John Ryan
A cenotaph in the Saint Georges Cemetary
Walking around the Saint Georges Cemetary in Framingham, you may encounter the gravestone of Corporal John Ryan. His gravestone is located in the middle of the graveyard.
GraveStone Text
This is the text on the gravestone:
Erected By Edward Hannall Ryan. In memory of dear beloved Son Corprl. John Ryan Of Com. C. 33 Regt. Mass. Cols. Who was killed In Battle on Lookout Mountain Tenn. Oct. 29, 1863 AEt. 22
Far off, away from home, and on the field of battle/br> A youthful daring an unflinching soldier fell/br> No more to hear their clash of Arms or Cannon rattle/br> Soldiers we hope thou art in peace farewell, farewell
Interesting Facts about John Ryan
In August 1962, John Ryan joined the 33rd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry to support the Union Army in the American Civil War.
John Ryan was promoted to Full Corporal on September 11, 1863.
He was killed on October 29, 1863, at Raccoon Ridge, Tenn. during the battle of Wauhatchie. Eleven other soldiers died on that day from the 33rd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry.
The Battle of Wauhatchie was fought October 28-29, 1863, in Hamilton and Marion counties, Tennessee, and Dade County, Georgia, in the American Civil War.
The 33rd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry lost a total of 188 men during the 3-year service; 7 officers and 104 enlisted men were killed or mortally wounded, 77 enlisted men died of disease.
During the United States Civil War only Generals, that died in battle, were returned home. Corporal. John Ryan isn't buried here. He is likely buried in the Chattanooga National Cemetery. This is marker is known as a Cenotaph (a monument to someone buried elsewhere)
There was another John Ryans that served in the 33rd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Company C. The other John was from Grafton and was recorded as leaving service due to disability.
The Story of Wauhatchie
Andrew J. Boies kept a journal of the 33rd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. This a part of his description of the events around the Battle of Wauhatchie.
[October 29, 1863 ] -
About midnight we were awakened by the beating of the "long roll" and a cry made, "To arms." The enemy had attacked our pickets, and it was true a battle had commenced. It fell to the lot of the "Iron Brigade," as Hooker calls it, which was immediately ordered out, and before 1 o'clock was marching back with orders to carry and hold the ridge at all hazards. Upon their arrival it was found to be a steep declivity of nearly 200 feet, so thickly wooded and covered with underbrush as to almost render it impassable ; but it must be done before daylight, or the consequences would prove serious. To the 33d Massachusetts and 73d Ohio was assigned this perilous duty of charging up that steep mountain side and driving the enemy from the top, and how well it was done, the result will prove.
The 33d regiment had only seven companies present, the other three having gone on a secret expedition. At the word "Forward," the boys took as quick a step as the nature of the ground would permit, and slowly worked their way up the steep side of the ridge, not knowing what might be in store for them upon their arrival at the top, determined to do or die. The 33d was on the right, the 73d Ohio on the left. Arriving near the top and but a short distance from the pits, a few shots were fired by our men, when the "Rebs" commenced their old game, crying out, "Don't fire on your own men."
It being so very dark, our boys did not know but such might be the case, and the firing ceased. One of our officers inquired, "Is that the 73d?' "Yes," was the reply, "what regiment is that?" Upon being answered, "33d Massachusetts," they poured into us a terrible volley from right to left. Our men gave them shot for shot, but the loss in our regiment was fearful. Adjutant Mudge fell dead at the first fire, Col. Underwood fell, dangerously, and as we supposed, mortally, wounded.
It being impossible to advance the regiment further, in its disordered state, it fell back to the foot of the hill and quickly formed for the charge, and as they now knew what they had got to contend with on their way up, and the disposition of the occupants at the top, they started slowly and cautiously, with orders not to fire, but drive the enemy out entirely with the point of the bayonet.
Once more gaining their forfner position, they were received with a murderous fire. The men, with knapsacks on, kept pushing and climbing for the top, which was finally reached, and then commenced a scene of heroism and bravery seldom equalled in this war. Over the bank and into the pits, with the enemy, was but the work of an instant, and at it they went, charging with the bayonet, dealing each other blows over the head with the musket, slashing and cutting with swords, until the whole scene resembled a grand knock-down, our boys reaching over the pits and dragging out the "Rebs" by the collar.
This was too much for them, and they seemed amazed and confused, and finally gave way and started over the opposite side of the hill at a fast pace, our boys giving them the contents of their muskets as fast as possible, leaving the 33d in possession of the hill, about 100 prisoners, a large number of guns and all of their intrenching tools, which were speedily given into the hands of the pioneers, and in a short time we had a formidable line of pits thrown up on the other side of the ridge.
Then we had a little time to look over and see how much this gallant act had cost us in the loss of officers and men.
Out of 238 men and officers who went into action, the 33d regiment lost 87 killed, including eight commissioned officers, colonel, adjutant, two captains and four lieutenants.
The 73d Ohio did bravely and fought nobly, losing a number of good boys.
Lorenzo Gibbs
Interesting Facts about this gravestone.
There a lot of notable people buried at the Old Burying Ground Cemetery and the St.George Catholic Church Cemetery in Framingham. Some are well known more than others.
Over the next few weeks, I???ll highlight some headstones of people that have stories that would otherwise go unnoticed.
This week, its all about the Lorenzo Gibbs gravestone in the Old Burying Grounds. It???s located near the back left of the cemetery. The writing on the gravestone is slowly disappearing.
Interesting Things I Learned
Lorenzo Gibbs was born on November 10, 1828, in Framingham Massachusetts.
On September 17, 1862, he enlisted in the Forty-fifth Regiment, Massachusetts volunteer militia to help defend the Union in the Civil War. He was 38 when he enlisted. According to military records he was a married farmer when he joined the militia. He was with Company F in the Forty-fifth Regiment.
Military Listing:
Company F
GIBBS, LORENZO, Private. Farmer, age 33, married, Framingham; en. Sept. 17, 1862; m. i. Sept. 26, 1862; m. o. July 7, 1863. Died Feb. 19. 1892.
According to Massachusetts documents he married twice:
In 1857, he married Sarah Elizabeth Sutphen. (1838 - 1880) and they had 4 children.
On November 24, 1875, he married Catherine Elizabeth Bullard of Newton. (November 9, 1829 - February 13, 1900)
Lorenzo Gibbs died on February 19, 1892
George Washington Gibbs - 1857 - 1929
Charles Henry Gibbs - 1860 - 1860
Alzena Frances Gibbs - 1861 - 1871
Hattie Isabell Gibbs - 1868 - 1881
George W. Gibbs is the only family member not buried in Framingham???s Old Burying Ground Cemetery. He fought in the Spanish American War. He is buried in Forest Home Cemetery in Forest Park, Illinois,
Some Mystery Around Lorenzo Gibbs
There are some reports that he died on February 18 and other reports that he died on February 19, 1892. The discrepancy can be because of when the death reports arrived in different locations.
Military records show that he died on February 19th, and other records - including his gravestone shows it was February 18th.
Information from this research came from various online family tree websites.
PermalinkPlastic Bag Reduction Ordinance
Framingham now charges for Paper Bag in some stores
In Massachusetts, 62 cities and towns have some type of restrictions on the availability of single-use plastic bags. This covers about 80% of the Massachusetts population.
Framingham is one of the cities with plastic bag restrictions. In 2021, they have gone a bit stricter and make consumers pay for bags. This is to encourage consumers to bring their own bags when shopping.
History of the Plastic Bag Ban
July 5, 2021 - Plastic Bag Reduction Ordinance was updated - consumers now have to pay for bags on checkout.
January 1, 2018 - No plastic bags allowed at checkout in supermarkets and retail stores
May 12, 2016 - Framingham Town Meeting votes to ban plastic bags 78 to 34
Current Rules on Bags in Retail Stores
Here are the general rules for the bags in retail stores. The City of Framingham put out a PDF for retail establishments to display at the register for consumers. So far, only HobbyLobby printed out the flyer and posted them near the registers.
Stores are no longer allowed to offer any single-use plastic bags in retail or grocery stores.
You can purchase reusable checkout bags or 100% recycled paper checkout bags for at least $.10.
All fees collected for the bags will be retained by the store.
The $.10 fee is taxable and subject to the Massachusetts sales tax.
If a store offers reusable bags, they must have handles, be able to carry at least 25-pounds, and be able to be washed.
The Plastic Bag Reduction Ordinance applies to all retail stores. They apply to pharmacies, convenience, and grocery stores, liquor stores, seasonal and temporary businesses, farmers markets, public markets, jewelry stores, and household goods stores. Oddly enough they do not apply to bazaars, fairs, and festivals. So the weekly farmer's market will charge a fee but the local church fair doesn't.
PermalinkStreet Signs of Framingham
Seasonal Street Signs
Welcome to the Fall Season! Did you know that the city of Framingham has streets named after the four seasons?
There are xx streets in Framingham. Did you know that there is a street name after each of the four seasons?
Finding The Streets
Winter Street - This street goes from Route 9 to Waverly Street near Framingham State. This is located between the villages of Salem End Road and the South Framingham area.
Spring Street - This short street is located off of Franklin Street near Mason Park in the South Framingham village area.
Summer Street - This street is located between Central Street and Concord Street near the Golden Triangle village area.
Autumn Lane - This is the shortest street of the four. This street is located off of Haleah Lane in the Saxonville village area.
Finding Steet Signs
In Framingham, the street signs are located at the start and the end of a street.
PermalinkSisitsky vs Spicer in November
Framingham Mayor Race
This past Tuesday was the primary for the Mayor of Framingham. There were three candidates running Charlie Sisitsky, Carlos Valadares and incombant Mayor Yvonne Spicer.
Official results can be found on the Framingham Election Page.
Framingham Turning away from Spicer?
Sisitsky received 4,401 votes, and Spicer received 1938 votes. Only 6,727 registered voters voted. This represents a 16.98% turnout.
This is a big upset for Spicer. In 2017, she got nearly 6,000 votes in the primary and 9,000 in the November election.
Fun Facts about Mayor Yvonne Spicer
First Mayor of the City of Framingham
Previously she was the Vice President for Advocacy and Educational Partnerships at Boston???s Museum of Science.
Was a Framingham Town Meeting Member representing precinct 6 and she served on the Ways and Means Committee
Mayor Spicer was instrumental in establishing the 2001 Massachusetts Technology/engineering curriculum framework and the first-ever Kindergarten through 12th-grade assessment for technology and engineering.
Lives in District 4
Fun Facts about Charlie Sisitsky
Current Occupation - Retired from 20-years of being the Director of Public Works in Natick MA.
Charlie served on the Town???s Finance Committee and as a Town Meeting member from Precinct Two.
From 1998 ??? 2018, Charlie was an elected member of the Framingham Board of Selectmen, where he served multiple terms as Chairman.
Lives in District 3
Election Day
Voters go to the polls on November 2nd.
To find out where to vote, go to the City of Framingham voting page.
PermalinkSeptember 11 Memorial
Framingham Living Memorial to the Victims
The 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks is this coming Saturday. This week, I thought it would be interesting to look at the 9/11 memorial in Framingham's Cushing Memorial Park.
Interesting Facts about the Memorial
The Living Memorial was dedicated on September 11, 2014 - the 13th anniversary of the attacks. The ceremony featured 3,000 American flags to remember the victims lost in New York City, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania that day.
Seventeen trees were planted for those that perished in the attacks who had ties to the city.
In front of the gazebo is a stone monument of the names of those that lost their lives on September 11, 2001.
The town of Framingham planted 3,000 American flags on the 10th anniversary. They will plant 3,000 flags this year on the 20th anniversary. The flags usually stay planted for 24-hours before they get removed.
During the remembrance in 2019, the city planted a Callery Pear ???Survivor Tree??? across from the memorial.
There is a small stand to describe the memorial next to the memorial. The Parks and Recreation department is responsible for the care of the memorial and trees.
Framingham Victims
The names of the Framingham Victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks, as they appear on the memorial:
Crispus Attucks Bridge
Memorial to a Former Slave that lived in Framingham
Crispus Attucks was a former slave in Framingham. He escaped and went missing. He "reappeared" in Boston and became part of history when he was killed at the Boston Massacre.
The Boston Massacre came about when a mob led by former slave Crispus Attucks began to assault soldiers on guard at the Royal Customs House (now the intersection of Congress and State Sts.) According to reports, "The soldiers fired into the crowd, and Attucks and four others were killed." Patriot spokesmen used the incident to have the soldiers withdrawn from the city (but not for long the soldiers were back in two years)
Sign on the Bridge
Crispus Attucks Bridge
Crispus Attucks, a runaway slave, and patriot hero was born c. 1723 of an African father and a mother from Praying Indian Village of Natick. Crispus Attucks worked and lived near this bridge until he escaped in 1750 in search of his own freedom. On March 5, 1770, it became known that Crispus Attucks was the first person to die in the Boston Massacre, an event which initiated America's struggle for independence from British rule.
Framingham Historical Commission
Framingham Cultural Council
African American Heritage Committee
Framingham Historical Society.
Fun Facts about the Crispus Attucks Bridge
The Framingham Historical Society proposed naming the bridge in February 2000. Not all residents were favorited in naming the bridge. Many people felt that Crispus Attucks was more of a "thug" than a hero.
The bridge naming ceremony occurred on March 5, 2000 - exactly 230 years after the Boston Massacre.
March 5, 2000, was also announced as Crispus Attucks Day in Framingham.
The 20-foot bridge was last rebuilt in 1965. As you can see from the picture, the marker does have some wear and tear on it.
Crispus actually lived on what is Route 9, not far from where Route 30 and Route 9 intersects.
Location of the Crispus Attucks Bridge
The bridge is located at 670 Old Connecticut Path in Framingham. Massachusetts.
Framingham is a city in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Every Tuesday I'll highlight something special about the city.
Check out all the blog posts.
Blog Schedule
Tuesday | QA |
Wednesday | Python |
Thursday | Final Cut Pro |
Friday | Macintosh |
Saturday | Internet Tools |
Sunday | Open Topic |
Monday | Media Monday |
Other Posts
- Corporal. John Ryan
- Framingham Birthday
- Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detector Inspection
- Pedestrians Track Crossing
- Curbside Refuse Collection Planner
- Jordan’s Furniture Couches
- Sudbury Aqueduct
- UFO Quadcopter Stuck in Tree
- AMC Framingham 16 Theater
- Lorenzo Gibbs
- Crispus Attucks Bridge
- Saint Bridget School Variety Show
- Boston Marathon Timeline
- John Swift Dwelling House