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When I upgraded my iPhone I decided to not go the "restore from backup" route. I wanted to start from scratch and only put applications that I really want to use.

The goal is to make this iPhone different than any other one that I have. The plan is to have only the best applications will get installed. So, I began looking back at some of the Applications that I have used and seeing which ones that I want on this Phone.

On my iPhone 5s, I had a nice tipping calculation app called Tipsy. I used it all the time as it was easy to calculate tips. However, the application has failed to open since OS 9 was released. It was time to look for another application.

That got me thinking about another iPod app that I used a long time ago, there was this really cool application that actually log each tip entry, so you can easily track how much you spent at the restaurant. I couldn't remember the name of it and spent some time looking for it.

The application didn't exist in the Apple store - it's especially hard to search for something when you don't know the name. I checked iTunes receipts to see if I could recognize the name. Didn't find anything that looked like the right one.


Then I remember that the mystery application would still be backup on my Powerbook. So, it was time boot up my PowerBook and check the apps back ups in iTunes.

I scanned all the listing until I found one that looked very familiar - BigTipper. I loaded it up on my iPod and confirmed that it was the exactly the application that I was looking for.

This is the description of the application in the "About BigTipper":

BigTipper is the fastest, easiest way to calculate restaurant tips/gratuities, then divide the bill among your group - and even save transaction history for expense report.

The bad news is that BigTipper is no longer in Apple's App Store. I don't know why PureBlend stop updating the application. Pure Blend Software still features BigTipper, however they last updated the application in July, 2009.

The one good thing that came about in my search for BigTipper is that I know what keywords that I should use when searching for a similar application. I should also include 'History' and 'expense report'.

Today's post also includes a screen shot of some other old Apps that aren't available in the Apple Store. Click on the image for a larger version.



In October 2015, I upgraded my iPhone 5s to an iPhone 6s Plus. I am always looking for new exciting ways to use the device. Occasionally, I will share some new practical tip about the iPhone 6s Plus.


Tuesday 18 QA
Wednesday 19 Python
Thursday 20 Final Cut Pro
Friday 21 Macintosh
Saturday 22 Internet Tools
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