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Traveling with a Celiac

This past weekend we visited our relatives in Connecticut for an Easter Celebration. On the way, we stopped at Stop and Shop to get some coffee and snacks for the trip. For us, stopping at a supermarket was a necessity because you can't get a gluten-free snack at a regular Dunkin Donuts.

That brings up today Gluten free topic: Always be prepared when traveling.

Having Celiac doesn't always limit your food choices, but it can limit on where you can eat. There are lots of celiac safe substitutes for many common foods. However, they aren't available everywhere. You need to plan safe snacks in advance.

Whether it's taking an early morning flight or spending a couple of hours in the car, you need to think about food options that will be available. Will you need to bring food and will there be any gluten free options where you are going.

Easter Weekend

We have found that it's best to play it safe and have a box of gluten-free Mac & cheese (Annies is great!). Just in case that there wasn't any good gluten free options. Lucky for us, they had gluten free Mac and Cheese and a lot of other naturally gluten free options.

Everyone was happy and had a great time. They even had some gluten free cupcakes made, but my daughter was too full to eat anymore.

In addition, the Wow Baking Company' Gluten-free Chocolate Chip cookies and fruit snacks were the perfect tag along for the trip. They help fix those instant hunger cravings during any long road trip.

Boston Logan Airport Food Planning

It can be tricky when catching a 6am flight out of Logan International Airport. We have to arrive super early, which usually means no breakfast at home.

Many of the restaurants don't open super early at Logan Airport. The few restaurants that are open don't have any gluten-free options. Good luck trying to find something to eat at Dunkin Donuts that doesn't contain gluten.

For this, we have found that the fruit snacks and a couple of gluten free breakfast bars do the trick.

Jet Blue has a gluten free snack option on board, so we can use that if she is hungry mid-flight. All of their chips that they have are also gluten free.

Final thoughts

It helps to plan ahead and always be thinking of creative ways to feed the hungry needs. Simply stopping at McDonald's, Burger King or Dunkin Donuts is not an option. It doesn't hurt to pack a snack, as it could save lots of time in the event that the trip takes longer than planned.


Kasich beats Clinton

I like how Kasich campaign is playing the spin game, in today's email to investors, they claim that Kasich is the only one that can beat Clinton.

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The only problem is that mathmatically he won't be able to win the Republican nomination. Here are the current deligate count:

GOP Nomination

Not sure why anyone would be donating money to the Kasich campaign. He is a nice guy, has some great ideas, but is a serious long shot at getting the 2016 GOP nomination, let alone beat Hillary Clinton in the fall.