The American's Creed
The American's Creed from the Boy Scout Manual. This is something to remember as we get closer to election day in the United States:
I believe in
''the United States of America as a
''Government of the people, by the people, for the people;
''who just powers are derived from the consent of the government;
''a democracy in a republic;
''a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States;
''a perfect Union, one and inseparable;
''established under those principles of freedom, equality, justice,
''and humanity for which American patriots sacraficed their
''lives and fortunes.
I therefor believe it is my duty to my country
''to love it;
''to support its Consitution;
''to obey its laws;
''to respect its flag and
''to defend it against all enemies.
The American Creed was developed by William Tyler Page in 1917. It is a brief, clear statement of American traditions and ideals, as expressed by leading American statesmen and writers.
Key lines to the Creed:
- Closing words of the Preamble to the Constitution
- Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
- Declaration of Independence
- James Madison in The Federalist, No. X
- Speech by Daniel Webster
- Preamble to the Consitution
- Adapted from closing workds of Declaration of Independence
- Speech by John Hancock
- United States Oath of Allegiance
- George Washington's Farewell Address
- War Department Circular, April 14, 1917
- Oath of Alleigiance.