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Slack Based Greeting

Always know the proper greetings in Slack

Frequently I talk to offshore team members in Slack. The problem that I encounter is that I don't know the time of day its at their location - is it Morning, Afternoon or Night time? So should I say good morning or good evening?

I have a Keyboard Maestro and PHP it makes it real easy to say the proper introduction regardless of where they are in the world.

Real World Example

There is a macro in my library for 'ggi' and this will automatically display the correct greetings when I am talking to my India team in chat. So if it's night time, it would say 'Good Evening' and if it's before 6 pm their time, 'Good Afternoon.' I have similar macros for ggsfo, ggj and ggk .

Now I will always say the correct greetings, I just need to remember where they are located.

This is the PHP code that I use to get that done:
function greeting(){
    $timeOfDay = date('H');
    if($timeOfDay > '17'){
        return 'Good evening. ';
    } else if ($timeOfDay > '12'){
        return 'Good afternoon. ';
    } else {
        return 'Good morning. ';
echo greeting();

You can see the thing that makes the difference is the PHP's date_default_timezone_set function.

This is what the Macro looks like in Keyboard Maestro, your best to use whatever string command works best for you:

India Time Zone



Alain Machado da Silva Dutra Thanks very much, very helpful.

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