Need unique data try WolframAlpha
WolframAlpha is the place to go when you need to calculate anything. It's a great knowledge base to explore all sorts of useful information. It's great as your taping into the power of computation intelligence.
The Pro version of WolframAlpha is $5.49 a month with step-by-step solutions, increased computation time and calculator Web Apps. The Pro version also has Image Input features - which is pretty cool if you work with images. This is where you can get a detailed analyst of any image. If you upload an image with text it will extract the text from the image.
If you do any data analyst, WolframAlpha is a great tool! Also useful for students in school, where they can learn a lot more about data.
Description from their site:
Compute expert-level answers using Wolfram's breakthrough algorithms, knowledgebase and AI technology
Sample Query
Not Always able to Get Data I Want
Interestingly it wasn't able to tell me what city was 2,174 miles from Boston. I found that it's Tegucigalpa, Honduras via timeanddate.com and Salt Lake City, Utah via distancetofromto.net.
Check out WolframAlpha
I would highly encourage you to check out the "Surprise Me" feature on WolframAlpha