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Three Things To Do When You Have 5 Minutes or Less

If you?re going to the Post Office or someplace else with some time to waist, don't just stand there and read the wall posters. Be more productive, here are some creative ideas to make your short wait time a little more productive:

Fill out some store surveys!
Got a smart phone? Take one of the receipts from Starbucks/Pizza Hut/wherever and visit their website and fill out the customer support survey. The few minutes of time may actually net you some extra cash.

Clean out your jacket, pocket, or purse.
Take a few minutes and clean out. Throw away the gum wrappers and receipts that you save thinking that you would need it, when in fact you probably forgot the reason you saved it.

Make a List of things to get done
Got a buzy day ahead? Why not spend at least five minutes to organize your thoughts about what you need to get done. Then plan your time.

I am sure that you can come up with some ideas on your own. The best thing to do is to have something planned when you know you?re going to be sitting around a while.



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I am always looking for ways to get more out of any application or process that I use on a regular basis. The goal of the content is to get you to be more productive as possible.


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