QA Graphic

A-to-Z Challenge Reference Calendar

I am fired up for the A to Z blogging challenge next month. The challenge is to blog something about the letter of the day. To help with the planning process, I created this content calendar. I can plan out the days a bit better.

Click on the image for a higher quality version.

If your interested in the Blogging head over the website and sign up. You still have a couple of weeks to join in. So far, over 1,034 bloggers have signed up.

If you do your content blogging in Evernote , you should check out this special calendar that I created. Feel free to add it to your account:

Evernote Calendar
Download the Evernote Calendar

April should be a fun blogging month!



I am always looking for ways to get more out of any application or process that I use on a regular basis. The goal of the content is to get you to be more productive as possible.


Friday 14 Macintosh
Saturday 15 Internet Tools
Sunday 16 Misc
Monday 17 Media
Tuesday 18 QA
Wednesday 19 Pytest
Thursday 20 PlayWright