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Big 16 iOS Apps

Big 16 ios Apps

My 'homepage' of my iPhone 6s Plus contain the top applications that I use every day. I try to keep this page short so that when I turn on my phone, I am not overwhelmed with a bunch of applications. This is what my default screen looks likes:

Brief description of the Applications

Messages - The default text message application. When I get a text message, it usually needs my immediate attention, so it has earned its spot at the top left application.

Google Maps - The best map application on the iPhone 6s Plus. The driving directions are good, and it's very easy to search for locations.

InstaWeather - Best weather overlay image application. I use this every morning to tweet the train arrival and weather before getting on the commuter rail train to Boston. This way I can look back to see how bad the winter was this year. (Paid Version)

Camera - iPhone 6s Plus default camera. I tried many others, but I always end up using the system camera.

YouTube - Best App to watch any video online. I usually add content to YouTube on my home computer, but there are times where I'll shoot a video clip and want to share it with the largest possible audience. I use it enough to justify it being on the first page.

Videos - All my commercial videos from the Apple Store are here. I have a couple of movies that I'll watch when I have some downtime and my internet connection is bad.

Wunderground - Very good weather application. I can easily tell what the weather will be like today and when the chances of it going to rain. The forecast chart is a quick update on what the weather will be like in the next six days. Certainly better than Apple's weather app. (Free Version)

Photos - Standard iOS photo library. If I take any photo or video on my phone it will end up here.

Evernote - This is my go-to application for text writing. Recently, I started using this to take a picture of my restaurant receipts. Now I don't have to worry about having lots of paper receipts in my wallet. The next time I eat at the restaurant I can search for what I ordered and decided if I want to try something different.

AnyList - AnyList is a perfect application for any couple that needs to share any type of list. While the initial focus might be on sharing shopping list, it's perfect when you need to share a list of ideas with anyone. I like it that I can put together a shopping list and add to it whenever I need to. So the next time I am at the hardware store, I'll remember to get the electric tape.

Everyday - I use this app to take a random selfie everyday. The app has the ability to combine the photos to a very cool movie. (Paid Version)

Pixelmator - Great application to edit photos. This works great on the iPhone 6+. Great if you want to combine photos or add special effects. (Paid Commercial Application)

Twitter - Very useful social media application. I can quickly find out what's going on and get some great daily motivation.

MBTA Trains- This is just a bookmark of a website that shows the status of all the trains on the MBTA. I use this in the mornings to get the status of the incoming train to Framingham and to see if I need to run to the station. For example, today's train was running 5 minutes early, so I knew I had to Sprint to get the train.

Day One - A journal application. Every night, while waiting for the train, I will use this application to comment on what happen today. It's a quick recap of the events of the day. What makes this application better than EverNote is that I can attach a photo to the day and it includes the current temp. (Free Version)

Your Chain! - I blog content everyday and the 'Your Chain!' application makes sure that I don't break the chain. I get a reminder that I need to post something useful to the blog today. The application is based on the "Seinfeld strategy" and that is to write something every day. When the task is completed simply cross the day out on the calendar. The idea is to not break the chain.

iPhone Overview

I currently have 84 applications on my iPhone Plus. Many of the applications are buried in folders. I usually end up using the search tool to find them.

It would be great if Apple had some functionality that showed you the most used Apps. This way I can be certain which apps are safe to remove.



In October 2015, I upgraded my iPhone 5s to an iPhone 6s Plus. I am always looking for new exciting ways to use the device. Occasionally, I will share some new practical tip about the iPhone 6s Plus.


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