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Gluten Free Girl Scout Cookies

This is the second year that the Girl Scouts of America are offering a Gluten Free cookie option to their cookie offering. You can find Toffee-tastic (buttery cookies with toffee bits) and Trios (made with real peanut butter, chocolate chips, and whole-grain oats) from most Girl Scout councils. Not all varieties are available in every market, so contact your local council to inquire about the cookies they're offering this season.

This past weekend a table was set up at the local Stop & Shop where they were selling all the classic flavors and they had the 'Trios' Gluten Free option. I thought it would be an opportunity to purchase the Gluten Free Trios and see if my 5-year-old daughter would like it. (it's the only Gluten Free flavor they had) The Gluten Free version cost just as much as the regular version - $5 for the 5oz bag.

Juliana was very excited when I brought the Girl Scout cookies home and couldn't wait to try it. After she tried one, she said it tasted yummy and gave it a thumbs up.

A few minutes later, she was hungry for some more cookies. I asked her if she wanted the Girl Scouts version and she said no she wanted the cookies in the bag in the cabinet. That bag was the 'Wow Baking Company' Gluten-free Chocolate Chip cookies.

Juliana really likes those cookies over the Girl Scout versions. I asked her why and her response was, "They just taste better." So while she initially said that she liked the Girls Scout version, she loved the 'Wow Baking Company' version.

I took a picture of the two cookies side by side with a quarter for a size reference. They are about the same size. When it comes to taste, the 'Wow Baking Company' Chocolate Chip cookie is much than the Girl Scout Trio version.

Trios Cookies

Juliana Recommendation

My 5 year old daughter recommends to get the 'Wow Baking Company' Chocolate Chip cookie and donate money to the Girl Scouts instead of buying their cookies.

I would agree with Juliana assessment if you're going to spend $5 on a bag of cookies, at least, get something that worth eating. I tried one of the cookies and could taste a difference in quality. Her feeling about the cookie wasn't that she didn't like Peanut Butter, it's because the other cookies tasted better.

Perhaps when Juliana is old enough the Girl Scouts will have some cookies that she will enjoy eating. I certainly hope that they make a thin mints version as I am sure she would like that.



This series of posts will cover some tips and tricks that I have learned about my twelve-year-old daughter's gluten-free lifestyle in the Boston area. Gluten-free eating can be challenging in any big city, but especially in Boston due to the high number of restaurants and availability of options. I've been learning what I can to make sure my daughter can still enjoy eating out, and I want to share what I've learned so that other families in the same situation can benefit.


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