
Wine is gluten-free because wine is made from grapes. The Celiac Disease Foundation says all fruits are gluten-free and safe for people with celiac disease to consume. Champagne and sparkling wines are also made from grapes and gluten-free.
This new year's eve your safe to enjoy your glass of Dom Perignon, and not be concern about gluten.
My soon to be six-year-old daughter will have to wait for another 15 years (2031) to enjoy her first champagne.
Did You Know:
That in order for a bottle to be called Champagne it must come from the Champagne region of France, otherwise its just sparkling white wine.
Massachusetts, Gluten and Alcoholic Beverages
In Massachusetts, bars are excused from highlighting alcoholic beverages that contain gluten ingredients. Many of the 'higher end' type of bars will have a category to highlight which items are gluten free, This is from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Frequently Asked Questions:
Are allergens in distilled spirits and alcoholic beverages required to be disclosed?
No. Distilled spirits or wine, in themselves, are not known to present a risk. Allergens are not in distilled beverages as there are no proteins left for them to be attached to. If a bar area has a food menu, it would be required to post the allergen statement on its bar menu'.