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Shark BAH - Ocean Edge Resorts

Shark Bah Service

The Arbor Pool is the largest pool at Ocean Edge resorts in Brewster, Massachusetts. Ocean Edge is a popular retreat area for people visiting Cape Cod.

The Arbor pool is popular with families because the main pool has a large shallow end. There is a separate kids pool for babies and infants. The pool is located directly across the street from the Golf clubhouse.

Only guests and members are allowed in the pool area. Outside food is not allowed.

The Shark BAH offers drinks and a limited menu of sandwiches for guests.

This past weekend we spent some time at the Arbor Pool for some late morning swimming. After a couple of hours, we started getting hungry, we decided to check out the Shark BAH.

We got a menu and informed our server that our daughter has Celiac. He didn't volunteer any information on how they carefully prepare the food for those that have allergies. He did say that they had Gluten free bread for sandwiches. There was no information on the menu what items could be made gluten free.

To be safe, we ordered a Hot Dog with no bun, and everyone else placed their order.

About 10 minutes later he came back with our order, and we noticed that the Hot Dog order came with french fries. We asked the server if they had a dedicated fryer for their french fries. He seemed a bit confused and went to check.

He returned about ten minutes later and said that they didn't have a dedicated fryer. We suggested that they substitute Cape Cod potato chips since they are gluten free. (We kept the fries so other people can enjoy them as a snack.)

The hot dog was very good and my daughter ate most of it. She liked the chips too.

We were a bit disappointed with the service and that he wasn't aware of any cross contamination issues with cooking the french fries with other foods.

Grill Cheese

A couple of days later we returned to the Arbor pool for more swimming fun. Once again, our swimming fun made us hungry, we decided to order lunch from the Shark Bah.

This time, we ordered grill cheese with the gluten free bread.

My daughter liked it and said it tasted yummy. However, it looked very basic, as it was simply a small slice of cheese on a toasted bread. (We assume that it was safely toasted, but we didn't think to ask at the time.) They did include the Cape Cod potato chips.

Shark Bah Thumbs UpThumbs up for the Grill Cheese!

Would we go back?

Yes, we'll go back to the Arbor Pool and enjoy a nice lunch at Shark BAH. For lunch, I think we'll stick with the basic and order a no bun hot dog and chips.



This series of posts will cover some tips and tricks that I have learned about my twelve-year-old daughter's gluten-free lifestyle in the Boston area. Gluten-free eating can be challenging in any big city, but especially in Boston due to the high number of restaurants and availability of options. I've been learning what I can to make sure my daughter can still enjoy eating out, and I want to share what I've learned so that other families in the same situation can benefit.


WednesdayKeyboard Maestro
ThursdayGluten Free
SaturdayInternet Tools
SundayOpen Topic
Monday Media Monday