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Macintosh Cyber Deals Watch

Things to watch for this Christmas season

Mac T V News

Last year I had my list of software that I was going to watch for, so I thought I repeat the "Watch List" for this busy shopping season.

My budget is pretty tight this year. Chances are that I won't be making any big purchases on "Black Friday" or on "Cyber Monday." Here are the software and services that I'll be checking out this year:

Software Watching

  • Belight Software - Art Text and Swift Publisher are pretty cool. Currently Belight Software has 30-70% off sale in the Mac App Store. The sale doesn't cover Art Text or Swift Publisher. I have seen Art Text in some recently announced bundle packages, but they are more than what Art Board sells.
  • PhotoStyler - Great for presenting photos online, Social Media and Blogs. (Single User license is $29.99)
  • Art Board - Didn't upgrade to 2.0, wonder if they will have a special deals. (Single License is $39.99)
  • Movavi - I think 2018 will be the year of multimedia. I am always looking for a different solution to compliment iMovie.

Services Watching

  • Creative Market - Love all the package deals. Certainly expect to see a good teaser for this year.
  • DropBox - Great service. Currently at 60% at 6.2 GB
  • StoryBlocks - Usually have a $99 year membership sale, this time of year they discount to nearly $45.
  • Font Awesome 5 - Wonder if they will have one last sale before they go live.
  • UDemy - there are a few courses that I want to watch but they are outrageously expense. I'll be checking frequently to see if they are discounted. They currently have a 55,000+ online courses at $10 for a limited time!
  • Go Daddy - perhaps they will have discount domain name or hosting plans.


Not watching any hardware deals this year. At the moment, I have enough disk space and don't really need a new Flash storage devices or cables.

It will be interesting to see what Apple deals are announced. I suspect that they include iTunes gift card with some purchases of MacBooks and iPads.



A Mac veteran since 1989, I'm here to share my experience with tips and tricks every Friday. Witnessing the evolution of Mac software and hardware firsthand, I've gained a deep understanding of how these machines work and can help you troubleshoot any issues that may come up.


Friday 14 Macintosh
Saturday 15 Internet Tools
Sunday 16 Misc
Monday 17 Media
Tuesday 18 QA
Wednesday 19 Python
Thursday 20 Final Cut Pro