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Cool Texts in iMovie

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been using iMovie 11 a lot. I have been getting really good at learning all the tips and tricks to be more efficient and building better Vlog video clips. Once you learn some of the key keyboard shortcuts you can cut down production time and focus more on creating better videos.

From the beginning I have been frustrated with making really cool text in videos. Apple includes a bunch of template text formats, but they don't really seem to be enough. I have found that Apple's Keynote application actually works hand in hand with iMovie. It makes for an excellent text toolkit for iMovie, I found this online:

If I need to do some complex typing and use it in iMovie, I will create it in Keynote, then Export it from Keynote as a QuickTime Movie in timed advance mode (not manual advance). I will then use it in iMovie. With Keynote, you have total control over the font, the background color, the size, and hundreds of text effects.

The key thing to remember is to always export the Keynote sides in timed advanced mode. There's lots of great slide making examples on YouTube, all of these slide types can easily be exported to add some cool effects in your movie.



A Mac veteran since 1989, I'm here to share my experience with tips and tricks every Friday. Witnessing the evolution of Mac software and hardware firsthand, I've gained a deep understanding of how these machines work and can help you troubleshoot any issues that may come up.


Thursday 13 PlayWright
Friday 14 Macintosh
Saturday 15 Internet Tools
Sunday 16 Misc
Monday 17 Media
Tuesday 18 QA
Wednesday 19 Pytest