Blade Tool Tricks
Quickly cut multiple tracks
Sometimes when I am editing, I want to do a complete scene cut. That includes multiple videos and audio tracks. In the past, I would use the blade tool on individual clips. Wasn't the best method - it would result in a long time editing the video.
There is a better way.
Cut All Clips at the Skimmer
To do a "super" cut off all the clips at the current skimmer point. This is useful when you want to make a drastic change to that moment in time. Use the short cut: Shift-Command-B
Cut Certain Clips
It's super easy to cut specific clips at the current skimmer point. This is useful if you need a simple cut from two similar scenes. Simply select the clips or audio and then use the shortcut: Command-B to add a cut at the current skimmer point.
Useful Tips
I have been using Final Cut Pro for several months and this is the first time I hear about this shortcut.