Setting up new MacBook Pro
Changing the Defaults and Software Install
This week I got a new MacBook Pro laptop at work. This means that I had to set up the computer to the way I link to use it.
Here are three things that I had to get done. I created this blog post for future reference.
Apple Screen Capture
I use Apple Screen capture all the time. However, I don't like the drop shadow and I don't want the PNG format since it's usually larger than the JPG format.
Remove Drop Shadow
The drop shadow is so 2010. Remove the default drop shadow on all screen captures.
defaults write disable-shadow -bool true
Save as JPG
Save disk space and make your captures JPEG files. Why did Apple make the default screen capture as PNG format?
defaults write type jpg
Restart the System Server
killall SystemUIServer
All together now
Simple Cut/Paste of the three commands mentioned above:
defaults write disable-shadow -bool true
defaults write type jpg
killall SystemUIServer
Fix BBEdit Settings
Removed the dreaded return after applying a paragraph tag:
defaults write com.barebones.bbedit HTMLParagraphMarkup_ParagraphsOnSeparateLines -bool NO
BBEdit Default Preferences
Make the following adjustments:
- Application appearance should be set to dark.
- Editor color scheme should be Haunted Mansion (
- Turn off Page guide at [90] characters.
- When BBEdit becomes active set it to "Do Nothing"
- Enable "Include system text replacements in completion list"
Editor Default
- Enable "Soft wrap text to" and select the Window Width.
Applications Install
These are my helper applications - outside of anything specific that my work provides.
- BBEdit - Essential text editor
- Keyboard Maestro - #1 Productive App
- LaunchBar - Launch Applications quicker
- Panic's Transmit - Transer files between the computer and server
- Magnet - I use Mosaic on my personal computer, but Magnet has the iCloud license. Keyboard shortcuts are essentially the same.
- Photoscape X - Quick graphic editor.
- iTerm2 - Essential Terminal App.
- DBeaver - DB management tool