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The Importance of Time Management in QA

A Manager's Perspective

Buring the Midnight Oil

In the dynamic world of software development, effective time management is crucial for Quality Assurance (QA) teams. As a QA manager, it's essential to ensure that your team balances their time between tracking bugs and seeking additional help when solutions are not immediately apparent. This balance not only improves productivity but also ensures that new issues do not pile up while existing ones are being investigated.

The Story of Peter

Let me share an example from my own experience. Years ago, I managed an employee named Peter (not his real name). Peter was exceptional at identifying and investigating why customers were encountering errors. He had a knack for finding those weird, one-off cases that often slipped through the cracks. However, Peter's dedication to solving these issues sometimes led to a significant problem: he would spend so much time investigating a single issue that new issues would start to accumulate. Peter had the habit of trying to solve really complex issues and would work late into the night to do so. While he was highly skilled and well-loved by the engineers, he simply spent too much time on one issue.

Setting Time Limits and Seeking Developer Input

To address this, it's important for managers to set time limits on bug fixes. If an issue isn't resolved within the allocated time, it's crucial to collaborate with developers to see if they can provide additional input. This collaborative approach not only speeds up the resolution process but also brings fresh perspectives to the problem.

The Role of Logging

One effective strategy that often helps is adding additional logging to the system. Enhanced logging can provide valuable insights into why things are not working correctly, making it easier to identify and fix issues. However, it's equally important to remember to remove the logging once the issue has been resolved. There's nothing worse than having to debug future issues with an overwhelming amount of logging data to sift through.


So, fellow QA testers, remember:

  1. Set time limits for bug investigations.
  2. Seek help if you can't solve it in time.
  3. Log smart, but clean up afterwards.

Time management isn't just about working faster; it's about working smarter. Let's keep hunting those bugs efficiently, so we can all go home at a reasonable time. Happy testing!