Color Correction Assistance for Final Cut Pro
Use Photolemure to figure out the color correction.
My Olympus XZ-2 iHS doesn't handle white balance very well. I find that the videos that I take inside the church tend to be darker than the same video taken using the Nikon 5500 and the Sony DSC-HX200v. I am not exactly sure why this camera has problems.
The videos are good, just the colors are dark. They need to be touched up if I want to use the footage - and have the ability to use that camera in future shots.
Color Correction is a bit tricky in Final Cut Pro and I find that the "auto" balance color doesn't always work well.
Photolemur 3 to the Rescue
When I ran into this problem last week, I decided to export a frame of the video and put it through Photolemur 3.
What's Photolemure 3?
Photolemur is an absolutely automatic photo enhancer that uses Artificial Intelligence to apply all the enhancements your image needs, on its own. All you have to do is to import your image to the app, and the photo enhancer does everything else automatically from there.
My theory was to let the artificial intelligence tell me how the image should look. Then I can use the Final Cut Pro color adjuster to get the video to look perfect.
The results:
The left side shows Photolemure 3 and the right shows the original image. You can see how the colors on the church's alter stands out in Photolemure than the original photo
When I select the "auto color correction" in Final Cut Pro it doesn't look like the left side.
You can learn all about how to adjust the color in Final Cut Pro in Apple's Use color correction tools in Final Cut Pro X and Motion document