Parking Lot Availability
April 10, 2014 by
Just a quick update on the limited availability of parking spaces at the Framingham MBTA parking lot. In short, there isn't much parking spaces for commuters that take the commuter rail after 8am.
This morning, I noticed there was only one available parking space in the public commuter rail parking lot. This public parking lot is available for both monthly and daily commuters. This basically means that if your taking the 8:18 (P512) train out of Framingham, your fresh out of luck finding a space at the commuter rail parking lot.
If you are planning on taking the Commuter Rail out of Framingham on a regular bases, you should considered some of the alternative parking areas near the commuter rail. You are not guaranteed a parking spot if you sign up for the Monthly parking program. There is a two hour parking limit around many streets in downtown, this applies to meter and non-meter parking.
If you find a broken or missing meter you will get a ticket or your car could get towed if you park for more than 2 hours. Warning: The town is looking for additional reveue, and they will give you a ticket! There are 12 broken meter spots around the train station, and they are happy to write up tickets every day!
Here are some alternative parking areas around downtown. You will need to contact the owners before you park in the lots:
Macintosh Spyware
April 10, 2014 by
Macintosh users should be aware of any file that from gophoto-it. This is a pretty bad hijacking software and will control Chrome, Safari and Firefox on your computer.
If you have been experiencing any strange behavior when your clicking on any websites, such as strange popups saying you should install an update utility software you may have a bad browser extension. You should see if you may have inadvertently installed the gophoto-it software.
Basically what '' does is add an extra bit of code to every webpage you load in your browser and they can manipulate what you do. For example, you may want to go to product page on, but will send you to another page or product on Amazon.
Here's a sample of the code in the page: (Click for the full size version.)

Don't be fooled! You don't want to have this software on your computer. This is really bad spyware and should be removed. Here are the simple steps on removing the extension that get's installed:
In Firefox:

In the software installer is a
credit.rtf file with the above contents. Satisfied now that this isn't legit software?
- Click Shift-Command-A to open Firefox Add-Ons.
- Click on the Extensions on the left side
- Look for anything that says, and then click Remove
- Restart Firefox
In Chrome:
- Under the Windows menu, select 'Extensions'
- Look for anything that says, and then click on the trash can
- Restart Chrome
In Safari:
- Under the Safari menu select Preferences
- Click on Extensions on the Top Bar
- Look for anything that says, and then click on the Uninstall button
- Restart Safari