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Apple Keyboard Space Issue

Recently I was experience problems with my aluminum Apple Wireless Keyboard and my iMac. For some reason the spacebar would be clicked multiple times and cause space to be inserted for absolutely no reason. This would happen when I use the computer and caused the computer to wake up from sleep. As, a result this made it extremely to use the computer, especially when typing and trying to fix the problem. This is because no matter what I tried the space would be typed multiple of times. In the Console logs, I would see entries such as:

...Type selection took over 1.000 seconds. Stopping early....

I tried different things to fix the keyboard, I notice that the battery level was low, so I replaced the batteries with fresh Energizer ones. I also tried disconnecting and reconnecting the keyboard, but that would work for a while but then the space problem would return.

I found the following information on Apples site, 'Avoiding radio frequency interference.':

Nearly every electronic device is subject to radio frequency (RF) interference from external sources if inadequately shielded, designed, or otherwise configured to be compatible. As a result, iPhone may cause interference with other devices.

This got me thinking, near my computer keyboard, I had my iPhone 5s. When I moved it away from the keyboard, I notice that the space issue stopped! Very strange. For some reason it appears that the iPhone was causing some type of interference with my Bluetooth keyboard.

So if your experiencing issues with your aluminum Apple Wireless Keyboard try this:

  • Replace the batteries.
  • Tip your Keyboard upside down and shake anything that might be stuck.
  • Move away anything that might cause interference with the keyboard.
  • Bring the keyboard to the Apple store and see if it works on another computer



A Mac veteran since 1989, I'm here to share my experience with tips and tricks every Friday. Witnessing the evolution of Mac software and hardware firsthand, I've gained a deep understanding of how these machines work and can help you troubleshoot any issues that may come up.


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